- It was nothing less than a miracle. 那完全是个奇迹。
- That little shit stole my money. 那个小混蛋把我的钱偷走了。
- He doesn't give a shit about anybody else. 他对别人漠不关心。
- I don't give a shit what you think. 你怎么想我才不在乎呢。
- Try to wear a colour that is less obtrusive. 尽量穿得颜色别太显眼。
- The audience was no less than five thousand. 听众有五千人之多。
- The audience was not less than five thousand. 听众至少也有五千人。
- The guy at the bottom of the peck order take shit from everybody. 那个地位最低的家伙必须受每个人的气。
- They refused to accept less than the asking price. 他们言无二价。
- I read much less now than I did at school. 我现在看书远比我上学时少。
- I was clean broke in less than four days. 不到四天我就一个钱也没有了。
- The new restaurant fold up in less than a year. 这家餐厅不到一年就歇业了。
- I want you to lay by these use less prejudices. 我希望你丢开这些无益的偏见。
- You know even less about it than I do. 你对此事知道得比我还少。
- He is no less clever than his elder brother. 他和他的大哥一样聪明。
- If I shit on my criminal friends, they'll turn against me and could be violent. 如果我去告发我的罪犯朋友,他们会反过来报复我,还可能使用暴力。
- This transaction is nothing less than a miracle. 这笔交易完全是一个奇迹。
- No less than ten students flunked the exam. 整整有十位学生在这次考试中不及格。
- Modern life trends towards less formal customs. 现代生活倾向于较少拘泥于客套习俗。
- VOODOO: Hey, that shit looks just like you! 伏都教(不是显卡么;什么时候变教会了?...):嗨;那屎就跟你一样!