- The ship was overbalanced by the shifting of its cargo. 那条船因货物的移动而失去平衡。
- It determines the shift of sleep and wake. 这影响到我们睡眠和觉醒的更替。
- There is a shift of the midline to the left. 正中线向左偏移。
- But there have been partial shifts of his forces. 然而部分的事情是有过的。
- The tail of the Yuanshui River is a crisscross network of waterways. 沅水尾闾段水网纵横,航道条件错综复杂,洪道中发育有复杂分汊、弯曲等河型;
- The shifting of the building seemed to move up and down. 我被一个人拉至壁架上,我们互相抱住。
- Performs an unsigned right shift of the bits in an expression. 对一个表达式中的位执行无符号右移。
- The preset of pragmatics is influenced by the shifting of sentence focus. 语用预设受语句焦点的影响。
- Shanghai in Yangtze Delta alluvial plain, low-lying, the network of waterways covered with vast shoals resources. 上海位于长江口冲积平原,地势低洼,河网密布,拥有广阔的滩涂资源。
- Because of the circuitous and directional flow of waterways, railways often have an energy advantage over barges. 由于河道迂回曲折且水流具有方向性;因而铁路运输较之水运;常常具有节能优势.
- Unequal shifting of cone drum belt while the formation of roving layers. 粗纱铁炮皮带移动不灵活。
- To arrange staff shifting of emergency department by using nursing procedure. 运用护理程序进行急诊科排班。
- Laced with canals and bridges, Srinagar has more miles of waterways than of its narrow and crooked streets. 斯利那加市运河纵横、万桥飞渡,其水路之长超过市内那些狭窄曲折的街道。
- The process of producing a shift of the average value is called rectification. 产生平均值移动的过程叫做整流。
- The village decided to connect all irrigation ditches and build a network of waterways. 村里决定将各条沟渠连通,实现河网化。
- Opinion is shifting in favour of the new scheme. 舆论正逐渐转向支持新计画。
- Finally, the programme of economic rehabilitation of waterways and environmental assessment evaluation, and make relevant recommendations. 最后,对航道改造方案进行经济评价与环境评估,并提出相关建议。
- There has been a shift of emphasis from manufacturing to service industries. 重点已经从制造业向服务行业转移。
- A defense mechanism in which there is an unconscious shift of emotions, affect, or desires from the original object to a more acceptable or immediate substitute. 移情作用; 情感转移一种防卫机制,情感、影响、愿望从原始目标潜意识地转移到一个立即或更可接受的替代对象
- Some 450,000 flood-damaged projects had been restored. About 30,000 kilometers of dykes and dams were reinforced,and 47,000 kilometers of waterways were dredged. 全年修复水毁工程45万处,加高加固堤防3万公里,疏浚河道4.;7万公里。