- He sheds light upon the upright, and gladness upon the just. 光明已升起照耀著义人,赐喜乐于心地正直的人。
- Since nine of the thirty-three VicePresidents(not counting Truman)became President, the poll also sheds light upon their capabilities. 既然三十三位副总统(不算杜鲁门)之中九位成了总统,民意测验也对他们的能力有了表示。
- The moon shed her mild light upon the lake. 月光柔和地照在湖面上。
- She has told them nothing that could shed light on her husband's whereabouts. 她没向他们提供任何有关她丈夫下落的线索。
- Her diaries throw a new light upon certain incidents. 她的日记对一些事件提供了新的解释。
- Your statement does not shed light on the subject. 你的发言并没有说明问题。
- She will shed light on the case of stolen jewels. 好将能够揭示这次珠宝失窃案。
- Can you shed light on the case of the fire? 你能够解释这次火灾吗?
- This information shed light on the problem. 这份情报会搞清楚这一问题。
- This information may shed light on me mystery. 这项情报可能有助于查明那件疑案。
- The moon threw its silvery light upon the lake. 月亮把它的银光洒在湖上。
- Ayurveda can shed light on the practice of yoga. 阿育吠陀让瑜伽练习散发光芒。
- Can you shed light on this problem? 你能阐明这个问题吗?
- shed light upon v. 使明白;阐明
- The facts threw light upon the matter. 那些事实已经将那个问题弄得很清楚了。
- This information may throw light upon the mystery. 这项情报可能有功于查明那件疑案。
- Unkind, but bear a light upon their brows. 威严的光闪耀在他们的印堂。
- His presence seemed to shed light over that base and obscene haunt. 他的神采似乎照亮了那个下流而肮脏的处所。
- Illustrations throw light upon the text. 插图有助于理解课文。
- These discoveries may shed light on the origins of the universe. 这些发现会有助于理解宇宙的起源。