- In this paper, the secondary stress, radius and displacement in plastic zone of cylinder tunnel under 3-D stress are analyzed on basis of do u ble shear strength theory. 为此本文利用双剪强度理论分析了三维应力状态下圆筒形巷道塑性区次生应力、半径和位移。
- unified twin shear strength theory 双剪统一强度理论
- unsaturated soil shear strength theory 非饱和土抗剥强度理论
- Research on Strength Theory of Fabric Bundles and the Size Effect on Shear Strength of Soil 纤维束强度理论与土体抗剪强度的尺寸效应研究
- shearing strength theory 抗剪强度理论
- twin shear strength theory 双剪强度理论
- twin - shear strength theory 双剪强度理论
- Through comparing the data of experiment and theory, it has proved that analyzing shear strength of R.C. beams with ANSYS software is feasible. 通过实验数据和理论计算数据的比较,验证了用ANSYS分析裂缝对钢筋混凝土梁抗剪承载力影响的可行性。
- Barton, N. R. and Choubey, V., “The Shear Strength of Rock Joints in Theory and Practice,” Rock Mechanics, Vol. 10, pp.1-54, 1977. 杨长义,岩石模拟材料之相似性选择原则,中国土木水利工程学刊,第10卷,第一期,第151-156页,1998。
- The simulation method of joint network,damage mechanics and the theory of joint tensor were applied to analysis of equivalent shear strength parameters(i. 将节理裂隙视为岩体的损伤,利用岩体裂隙网络模拟技术、损伤力学和节理张量理论对等效抗剪强度参数(即黏聚力和摩擦系数)进行了研究。
- Derived results are able to reflect the influence of the quality of a material to them,compared with the result from the shear strain energy strength theory. 导出的结果与由剪切应变能强度理论得来的结果相比,能够反映材质的不同对疲劳极限条件的影响。
- Touch and close fasteners - Determination of longitudinal shear strength. 粘接拉链。纵向剪切强度的测定。
- And the advent of the unified strength theory solves this question properly. 统一强度理论的出现很好地解决了这一问题。
- The results show that the shear strength of COF is higher than that of COG. 结果表明 :COF比 COG的剪切强度高 .
- The shear strength of the composite is improved above to 11 MPa from 5.5MPa. 改性后碳 /聚芳基乙炔复合材料的剪切强度由 5 5MPa提高到 11MPa以上
- Because of the nonlinearity and complexity of Mohr-Coulomb strength criterion in the reliability analysis for shear strength parameters, modified reliability theory for shear strength parameters is proposed. 摘要在抗剪强度参数可靠度分析中,针对摩尔-库仑强度准则方程表现出的非线性,给出了修正的可靠度分析方法。
- The shear strength of COG and COF bonded with ACF is studied by impact test. 摘要采用冲击试验方法研究了各向异性导电胶膜(ACF)互连的玻璃和柔性基板上倒装芯片(COG和COF)的剪切结合强度。
- The adhesive should preferably have a shear strength greater than 30 mpa . 粘结膜最好具有大于30毫帕的剪切强度。
- The designer should consider the influence of construction joints and foundation joints on the shearing strength. 设计人员应该考虑施工缝和地基节理对剪切强度的影响。