- We can reasonably estimate the shear modulus if we know the P-wave modulus. 如果P波模量已知,我们可以合理地估算出剪切模量。
- Therefore, shear modulus should have better correlation with dry P-wave modulus as shown in Figure 5. 因此,剪切模量与干燥P波模量具有更好的相关性,如图5。
- Calculate shear modulus based on empirical relations for dry P-wave and shear modulus, as in equation (6). 计算基于干燥P波模量和剪切模量关系的剪切模量,如方程6。
- The elastic shear modulus obtained by bender elements and from resonant column tests show a good agreement. 利用该系统测试了钱塘江粉土的弹性剪切模量,并与共振柱试验结果相对比,两者非常相近。
- Afifi, S.S. and Wood, R.D.,"Lomg-Term Pressure Effects on Shear Modulus of Soils," J. Geotech. Eng. Div., ASCE, Vol. 97, No.SM10, (1971). 林中平;"黏土含量对福隆砂动态剪力模数与阻尼比之影响;"硕士论文;国立台湾大学土木工程研究所;台北;(1983).
- Closed form solution by Randolph could be used to calculate linear deformation soil,where shear modulus unchanged or grow linearly with depth. Randolph的近似解析解可计算线弹性土体,且土的剪切模量随深度不变或者线性增加条件下的桩基础沉降。
- Soil dynamic parameters, including dynamic shear modulus ratio and damping ratio, have important effects on the earthquake response of soil layer. 摘要土动力学参数即土的动剪切模量比和阻尼比,对土层地震反应分析结果有重要影响。
- The axial shear modulus has been derived in closed form by using the conformal mapping approach integrated with the Laurent expansion. 利用解析函数的保角变换与罗朗级数展开,获得了轴向剪切模量的封闭公式。
- In this paper, we review relationship of bulk and shear modulus and apply the Gassmann's equation to predict shear modulus. 本文对体变模量和剪切模量之间的关系进行讨论,并使用Gassmann方程来预测剪切模量。
- The shear modulus and damp ratio characteristics of typical strata are achieved in the dynamic test, based on GDS triaxial dynamic system. 2.利用GDS三轴仪对工程场地内的原状土样进行了室内动力试验,获得了各主要土层的动弹性模量与阻尼比。
- Furthermore,undisturbed samples of each layer soil are taken out,and the maximum dynamic shear modulus is obtained by laboratory cyclic simple shear tests. 此外,取出了场地各层土的原状土样,进行了室内循环单剪试验,获得了各层土的动剪模量,并与剪切波速的计算结果进行了比较分析。
- Because the shear modulus of backfilled soil is less than that of the supporting soil, the experimentally obtained embedment factors are much little than that predicted by theory. 由于基础侧边回填土剪切模量小于基础底部土体剪切模量,所以同理论值相比试验得到的基础侧限埋深对基础阻抗影响系数相对较小。
- In the CGSM, shear modulus and damping ratio of the soil are functions of depth and shear strain, wave equation for the transmission of shear wave is obtained. 在连续梯度土介质模型中,剪切模量和阻尼比是位置深度和剪应变的函数,导出剪切波在土体中传播的波动方程。
- This research investigates the liquefaction resistance and the maximum shear modulus of Hsin-Dian sand by using cyclic triaxial tests together with bender element tests. 摘要:本研究以新店砂作液化阻抗及最大剪力模数之探讨,而试验方法为动力三轴配合弯曲元件试验。
- Inviscid fluids are special in that they cannot support shear stress, meaning that the shear modulus is always zero. This also implies that Young's modulus is always zero. 有粘滞性流体比较特殊,其不服从剪切应力,即剪切模量总为零。这也意味着杨氏模量也总为零。
- Nondestructive test to determine the surface elastic modulus, shear modulus,brinell hardness of brittle and quasi-brittle materials and compressive strength ofconcrete were investigated based on the analyses of Hertzian contact. 首次采用球压法尝试了脆性和准脆性材料的表面弹性模量、剪切模量,布氏硬度和混凝土抗压强度的无损测试研究。
- Researched influence of the factors such as EPS content, cements content, curing age and dynamic load on the stress-strain relationship, shear modulus and the damping ratio of LSES. 通过对不同配比和条件下的试样进行试验,总结了EPS含量、水泥含量、养护龄期、动载等因素对混合轻质土动应力应变关系、剪切模量和阻尼比的影响规律,并对其中的规律进行了分析。
- The results show that pile efficacy is significantly affected by piles interval, embankment height, cap size and pile-subsoil stiffness ratio, while shear modulus of embankment fill has less effect and geotextile strength has a little effect. 结果表明:桩间距、路堤高度、托板宽度及桩土相对刚度对桩体荷载分担比影响较大,路堤填土剪切模量的影响次之,而水平加筋体拉伸强度的影响很小。
- The effects of piles interval, embankment height, cap width, shear modulus of embankment fill, horizontal geotextile tensile strength and pile-subsoil stiffness ratio on pile efficacy, were also carried out. 研究了桩间距、路堤高度、桩顶托板宽度、路堤填土剪切模量、水平加筋体拉伸强度及桩土相对刚度对桩体荷载分担比的影响。
- The effect of dynamic shear modulus ratio and damping ratio ofsoil on the earthquake responses of soil layers is presented in the paper by some examples, especially for the strong earthquake. 本文通过关便指出了不同的土动力特性经验关系对土层地震反应的分析结果将产生不同的影响,特别是对大震作用下的土层反应。