- When will you set price upon it? 你们什么时候可以定出价钱?
- The size of brade pulley could be decided through consultation. 制动轮尺寸可另行商议。
- The parties may dissolve the contract upon consensus through consultation. 当事人协商一致,可以解除合同。
- If labor dispute occurs, both parties shall resolve it through consultation. 甲乙双方若发生劳动争议,应通过友好协商解决;
- It is not Government's role,nor wish to set prices. 这不是由政府来厘定,我们亦不愿意这样做。
- When will you set price on it? 你们什么时候可以定出价钱?
- The time and mode for partitioning the estate and the shares shall be decided by the successors through consultation. 遗产分割的时间、办法和份额,由继承人协商确定。
- The question of Kampuchea should be settled by the four parties in Kampuchea through consultation. 柬埔寨问题由柬埔寨四方商量解决。
- Media units have the right to exercise supervision over price through public opinion. 新闻单位有权进行价格舆论监督。
- For a large company, an investment banker agrees to guarantee the purchase of a new stock issue at a set price. 对于一家大公司来说,投资银行往往同意保证以规定价格购买其新发行的股票。
- In some cases the public estates coexist with private markets and influence their price through competition. 有时,公共集团与私营市场并存,通过竞争对价格施加影响。
- A contract may be modified if the parties reach a consensus through consultation. 当事人协商一致即可以变更合同。
- Basically, the cognition biases can be impounded into the price through the updating of information and belief. 投资者认知偏差将通过信息更新和信念修正环节影响价格调整过程,并最终进入到股票价格之中。
- It pays farmers an amount based on a set price for their crop and the number of hectares they have. 支付农民的费用,按作物的价格和种植面积有多少。
- Signing group contracts through consultation between the trade union and the enterprise has now been adopted by most enterprises. 多数企业采取由本单位工会与企业协商签订集体合同的形式。
- It is not Government's role, nor wish to set prices. 楼价不是由政府来厘定,我们亦不愿意这样做。
- Mr. A tracks gas prices through credit card purchases. (A先生用信用卡帐单来追踪汽油购买价格。)
- There are several ways. The best way is to achieve consensus through consultation. 有多种方式。最好的方法是通过双方协商圆满解决。
- The exclusive right, usually obtained for a fee, to buy or sell something within a specified time at a set price. 排它性购买权或销售权:在一定时限内按规定价格买卖某物的排它性权利,通常付出一定费用而获得。
- The parties concerned may add other provisions upon agreement through consultation. 当事人可以协商约定其他内容。