- Open valve to balance set point as recorded in 8.2. 将阀门开启到步骤8.;2所记录的平衡设置点。
- Open valve to balance set point as recorded. 将阀门开启到所记录的设置点上。
- Invalid format used to set value of. 值的格式无效。
- Adjust the set value on the OZAT? CFS to 0%. 将CFS臭氧发生器的设定值设为0%25。
- They rallied for a long time at the set point of the first set. 在打到第一盘的决胜分时,他们来回对打了半天。
- This could be achieved by relocating (or resetting) the set point to a higher value. 这可以通过重新设置设定点到一个更高的值来达到。
- Key box set, and then set point blank keys, to start shooting. 空格键确定力度,再按空格键确定角度,即可开始投篮。
- To clear a previously set value use none as the value. 要清除先前设定的值,把value设为none。
- The revolution average value correspond again to the set value. 旋转平均值再次符合设定值。
- Open valve to balance set point as recorded in Step 9.1. 按照步骤9.;1的记录将阀门开启到平衡设置点上。
- Closure with set values for the multiplier value. 闭包的实例,为乘数值设置了值。
- The pressure set point is adjustable within the spring range. 压力设置点在弹簧作用范围内是可调节的。
- Note the displayed permitted set value for punch load. 记录冲压允许设定值。
- To set values that a quantity or function may take. 设定一个量或一个函数的可能取值范围。
- Note the set value for compaction force main pressure. 记录主压力设定值。
- Returns the newly set value if succeeded, FALSE on error. 成功则返回新设置的值,出错则返回FALSE。
- NOTE : Use == to check for equivalency and = to set value. 注意:==是用来检查,=是用来赋予变量。
- In Setting Value, type your domain user account. 在“设置值”中,键入您的域用户帐户。
- Use the three preset temperatures (user- settable) for quick set point change. 三个可预设温度(用户选择),以便实现温度的快捷转换。
- LED shows set temperature, actual temperature, and overtemperature set point. 所有机型都配有一个易操作的、安全按钮式的门。