- See quality of service requirement. 请参见服务质量要求。
- In the Work Item Type column, select Quality of Service Requirement. 在“工作项类型”列中选择“服务质量要求”。
- A test that ensures that the performance quality of service requirement is met. 确保满足性能服务质量要求的测试。
- The quality of service requirement you entered previously should be listed. 此时应该列出您以前输入的服务质量要求。
- The Fax service requires this information. 传真服务需要该信息。
- A rough order of magnitude estimate establishes an approximate cost for a scenario or quality of service requirement. 通过粗数量级估计可获知某方案或服务质量要求的大致成本。
- A test that ensures that the functionality called for in a scenario or quality of service requirement is working. 确保方案或服务质量要求中所要求的功能有效的测试。
- Open a Quality of Service Requirement work item, and on the Links tab, click Add. 打开服务质量要求工作项,在“链接”选项卡上单击“添加”。
- Do the contract terms clearly detail the service requirements? 合约条款有否详列服务水准的要求?
- Do the contract terms detail the service requirements? 合约有否详列服务水准的要求?
- An assigned unit of development work usually created to build part of a scenario or quality of service requirement. 分配的开发工作单元,创建该单元通常是为了生成部分方案或服务质量要求。
- Results The keystone of the parturient's demand was psychological and service requirement. 结果产妇在分娩中需求重点是心理需求和服务需求。
- However, it does use the quality of service requirement and task work item types in the MSF for Agile Software Development process template. 但是,它使用MSF for Agile Software Development过程模板中的服务质量要求和任务工作项类型。
- Expand your team project node, right-click the Work Items node, click Add Work Item, and then click Quality of Service Requirement. 展开团队项目节点,右击“工作项”节点,单击“添加工作项”,然后单击“服务质量要求”。
- For example, if your team project uses the MSF for Agile Software Development process, the work item types are bug, task, scenario, quality of service requirement, and risk. 例如,如果团队项目使用MSF for Agile Software Development过程,则工作项类型有Bug、任务、方案、服务质量要求和风险。
- Adding the QoS support, providing the end-to-end QoS guarantee, supporting the better QoS scheduling, and planing network with the data service requirement. 增加了对服务质量的支持,提供数据业务端到端的QoS保障;
- Active Directory Domain Services requires a primary token. Active Directory域服务要求主标记。
- A 10% service charge is added on to the bill. 帐单上包括了百分之十的服务费。
- The typewriter is at your service. 这台打字机随便你使用。
- A rent paid by a freeman in lieu of the services required by feudal custom. 免役租,代役租自由民支付的租金来代替封建惯例要求的服役