- Then they smashed the shackles of the feudal serf system and took their destiny in their own hands. 之后,他们砸烂了封建农奴制的枷锁,把命运掌握到自己手中。
- The feudal serf system that mingled politics with religion in old Tibet seriously hindered the development of the social productive forces. 在旧西藏,政教合一的封建农奴制度严重束缚了社会生产力的发展,西藏的经济长期处于极其原始、落后的状态。
- The influence of the Black Death had shaken the serf system and contract obiligation to the root in rural areas. ? 但灾难的发生最终却加速了采邑制度和契约义务在农村的瓦解。
- Reactionary, backword schedule serf system, was tremendous tie ofdevelopment society. 反动、落后的农奴制制度,对社会的发展是极大的束缚。
- Czar, Alexander II, annulled serf system and its related land possession system in 1861. 1861年沙皇亚历山大二世废除了农奴制及其土地制度。
- After the reform of the serf system in 1861, Russia followed the path of capitalism and began the course of neoteric industrialization. 1861年农奴制改革后,俄国走上了资本主义的发展道路,开始了近代工业化的进程。
- In the first half of the 19th Century, Russia, with serf system, gradually shook off the strong chains of feudalism and began industrialization. 19世纪上半叶,农奴制的俄国逐渐突破严密的封建桎梏,走上了工业化的道路。
- This movement overthrew the serf system and freed a million serfs and slaves . 这一运动推翻了农奴制,并且解放了百万农奴和奴隶。
- At the same time, other factors such as the industrialization, the residue of the serf system, the Orthodox ethics, and the special geographical location. 而工业化水平不高、农奴制残余、东正教伦理、特殊地域条件等是影响俄国城市化进程的重要因素。
- This movement overthrew the serf system and freed a million serfs and slaves. 这一运动推翻了农奴制,并且解放了百万农奴和奴隶。
- The feudal serf system that mingled politics with religion in old Tibet seriously hindered the development of the social productive forces. Therefore,for a long time its economy was in a primitive and backward state. 在旧西藏,政教合一的封建农奴制度严重束缚了社会生产力的发展,西藏的经济长期处于极其原始、落后的状态。
- Because of its high altitude,poor natural conditions and the dark rule of the feudal serf system for an extended period in the past,Tibet is comparatively backward economically and culturally,so the state has given special care to Tibet's development. 由于西藏位于高寒地区,自然条件恶劣,历史上曾长期遭受封建农奴制的黑暗统治,经济文化较为落后,国家对西藏的发展给予特别照顾。
- Because of its high altitude, poor natural conditions and the dark rule of the feudal serf system for an extended period in the past, Tibet is comparatively backward economically and culturally, so the state has given special care to Tibet's development. 由于西藏位于高寒地区,自然条件恶劣,历史上曾长期遭受封建农奴制的黑暗统治,经济文化较为落后,国家对西藏的发展给予特别照顾。
- China's Tibet, with its peaceful liberation in 1951 as the starting point, has carried out regional ethnic autonomy and made a historical leap in its social system following the Democratic Reform in 1959 and the elimination of the feudal serf system. 中国西藏也以和平解放为起点,经过民主改革,废除了封建农奴制度,实行了民族区域自治制度,实现了社会制度的历史性跨越;
- However, with its establishment by the end of the 16th century, the primitive communes had been changed by the feudalism and became powerful tools in defensing and enforcing the serf system in Russia. 但在俄国农奴制度16世纪末确立之后,农村公社本身也为封建主义所改造,反过来它又成为维护和加强俄国农奴制度的有力工具。
- However, the people there had never escaped the shadow of misery until 1951 when PLA liberated Tibet and put the inhumane feudal serf system to an end, making Tibet an indispensable part of China. 然而,西藏人民却承载了太多的苦难和折磨,直到1951年才真正过上了幸福的生活。那一年,中国人民解放军废除沿袭了千余年的农奴制,解放西藏,使之成为中华版图上不可分割的一部分。
- And this period was also the period of the Tibet serf system coming into being, the revolution of productivity and the development of economy formed a firm fundament for the formation of the branches. 这也是西藏封建农奴制形成时期,生产力的变革、经济的发展为宗派的形成提供了充裕的物质条件。除了外界客观因素外,佛教自身的因素也是极其重要的。
- The feudal serf system that mingled politics with religion in old Tibet seriously hindered the development of the social productive forces. Therefore, for a long time its economy was in a primitive and backward state. 在旧西藏,政教合一的封建农奴制度严重束缚了社会生产力的发展,西藏的经济长期处于极其原始、落后的状态。
- However, some people in the Tibetan ruling group were totally opposed to reform and raised a hue and cry about their determination never to carry it out, in order to perpetuate the feudal serf system. 但是,当时西藏上层统治集团中的一些人从根本上反对改革,叫嚣“长期不改,永远不改 ”,试图永远保持封建农奴制度。
- I suppose you also have a caste system in your society. 我想你们的社会里也有一种等级制度。