- Inelastic seismic design spectra is one of the fundamental research in performance-based seismic design that needs to be solved urgently. 非线性反应谱是基于性能的抗震设计理论中亟待解决的基础性课题之一。
- More attention has been paid to inelastic design spectra with the development of performance based seismic design,because it can be used to estimate the maximum displacement demand of structures. 随着基于性能抗震设计理论的发展,越来越多的研究者认为,位移和能量同时作为结构性能指标可较全面的评估结构抗震性能。
- Lastly,suggestions of development guidelines and of future research,as well as limitations for the seismic design spectra are put forward,so as to promote the research of anti-quaking gesign. 阐述了国内外反应谱的通用模型及计算方法,并指出其共性问题,简单介绍了等效线性化位移反应谱数值模型,探讨了抗震设计谱的发展趋势以及所涉及的新课题,从而促进抗震设计谱的研究。
- A Study on Seismic Design Spectrum for Shanghai Area 上海地区抗震设计反应谱研究
- Energy input design spectra for near-fault regions and application in energy-based seismic design 近断层区的输入能量设计谱及其在基于能量抗震设计中的应用
- Inspection for design spectra of seismic design code through actual earthquake records 规范设计谱曲线的实际地震波检验
- seismic design spectra 抗震设计谱
- Ravindra Verma, M. J. Nigel Priestly, “Optimal Trends in Seismic Design of Single Column Circular Reinforced Concrete Gridge Piers,” Earthquake Spectra, Vol.10, No.3, 1994. 中国土木水利工程学会,“混凝土工程设计规范与解说”,(土木401-86),民国八十六年十一月。
- ZHAI Changhai,XIE Lili.Study on constant-ductility strength demand spectra for seismic design of structures. Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration(录用) . 谢礼立;翟长海.;最不利设计地震动的概念和确定
- Seismic design of reinforced concrete and masonry buildings II. 钢筋混凝土和砌体结构的抗震设计2。
- Conventional seismic design is based on the rigid foundation assumption. 常规的抗震设计都是基于刚性地基的假定。
- A comparison table is made for API, CNS/ JIS, GB seismic design standards, and how to apply to the Taiwan area. 此外本文亦概要比较了当前各国(PI、NS/IS、B)震设计标准的内容,以及应用在台湾地区的使用方法。
- Tomaz vidic, Peter Fajfar,Matej Fischinger. Consistent inelastic design spectra: strength and displacement[J].Earthquake Engineering and Structure Dynamics,1994(23):507-521. 毛利军;李爱群.;基础滑移隔震体系的地震反应谱[J]
- A comparison table is made for API, CNS/JIS, GB seismic design standards, and how to apply to the Taiwan area. 此外本文亦概要比较了目前各国(API、CNS/JIS、GB)耐震设计标准的内容,以及应用在台湾地区的使用方法。
- Chopra, A. K., and Geol, R. K., “ Capacity-Demand-Diagram Method Based on Inelastic Design Spectrum”, Earthquake Spectra, Vol. 15, No.4, November 1999. 赵书贤,“从能量及设计理念检讨结构耐震性能设计法”,国立台湾大学硕士论文,罗俊雄教授指导,2003年6月。
- The seismic intensity ratifies according to jurisdiction regulated by the state as a criterion of local seismic design. 按国家规定的权限批准作为一个地区抗震设防依据的地震烈度。
- E.Rosenblueth,Optimum seismic Design of Linear shear Buidings[J]. J.Struct.div.ASCE.1976 STS,May. 王光远.;剪切型多层框架抗震设计的最优刚度分析[J]
- Priestley, M.J.N., Seible, F., and Calvi, M.(1996), Seismic Design and Retrofit of Bridges, New York: Wiley &Sons. 台湾省结构工程技师公会(2003),钢筋混凝土建筑物耐震能力评估手册,台北:科技图书。
- Priestley, M. J. N., Seible, F., and Calvi, G. M., "Seismic Design and Retrofit of Bridges", Jonh Wiley &Sons, New York, 1996. 范立础、卓卫东,“桥梁延性抗震设计”,人民交通出版社,北京,2001。
- How to control the torsional response of structures under earthquake action is a problem frequently occurred in seismic design. 摘要如何控制结构在地震作用下的扭转作用是结构抗震设计中经常遇到的问题。