- Security Account Manager needs to get the boot password. 安全帐户管理员需要获得启动密码。
- Do you have a pending or have ever made a complaint regarding a past FX, commodity futures or securities account? 你是否就过去使用的外汇交易、期货或股票账户提出过投诉,或是否有这类的投诉正在处理中?
- Do you have a pending or past complaint complaint regarding a past forex, futures or securities account? 你是否有悬而未决或对过去的外汇、期货或证券账户有过投诉?
- Article 17. QFII should mandate its custodian to apply for a securities account on its behalf with securities registration and settlement institution. 第十七条 合格投资者应当委托托管人,在证券登记结算机构代其申请开立一个证券账户。
- On the agricultural bankcard's fund changes to the negotiable securities account household to generally the long time? 您的位置:我也知道>商业/理财>农业银行卡上的资金转到证券帐户一般要多长时间啊?
- Article 17 QFII should mandate its custodian to apply for a securities account on its behalf with securities registration and settlement institution. 第十七条 合格投资者应当委托托管人,在证券登记结算机构代其申请开立一个证券账户。
- When stocks are purchased, the entire cost of purchasing stocks should be debited to the Marketable Equity Securities account, credited to the cash account. 当购入股票时,应按股票的购入成本借记权益性证券账户,贷记现金账户。
- The insurance company shall submit copies of the relevant materials on trading seats, securities account and fund account to CSRC simultaneously. 保险公司应当将有关交易席位、证券账户和资金账户的材料,同时抄报中国证监会。
- II.A trustee shall, upon the entrustment of a fiduciary, apply for opening securities account for enterprise annuity fund as an agent. 二、托管人要根据受托人委托,为企业年金基金申请代理开立证券账户。
- Security Account Manager needs to get the boot key from floppy disk. 安全帐户管理员需要从软盘获得启动密钥。
- Client requests to transfer 100 board lots or 20,000 shares (200 shares per board lot) of Company A to CCMS Collateral Account from Securities Account. 客户要求将100手或20,000股(每手200股)之A公司股票从证券账户存入抵押品账户。
- The Security Accounts Manager could not be demoted. 不能降级安全帐户管理器。
- The insurance company shall, at the same time, copy to the CSRC the materials regarding the trading seat, securities account and funds account. 保险公司应当将有关交易席位、证券账户和资金账户的材料,同时抄报中国证监会。
- Recognised Dealers have the right to participate in tenders and can maintain securities account with the HKMA for holding Notes on behalf of their customers. 认可交易商有权参与投标,并可于金管局开设证券帐户,以代表其客户持有外汇基金债券。
- Is the name of the security account that will be the new owner of the object. 将成为对象的新所有者的安全帐户的名称。
- Exchange Fund Notes are issued in computerised book entry form only. Investors can only hold Notes through a Recognised Dealers securities account with the HKMA. 外汇基金债券只会以电脑记帐方式发行,投资者只可经由认可交易商于金管局开设的证券帐户持有债券。
- Securities account opened by the securities firm for securities assets management customer should be submitted to stock exchange for filing within 3 trading days. 证券公司为证券资产管理客户开立的证券账户,应当自开户之日起3个交易日内报证券交易所备案。
- At present, Taiwan is more popular software that XQ winner in the world, investors in the relevant securities account as long as you can see the data free of charge. 目前台湾较为流行的软件就是XQ全球赢家,投资者只要在相关券商开户就可以免费看到这些数据。
- If you want to buy or sell securities in the market, you must entrust member company's broker to make the dealing, register for the rollopen a capital accounta securities account. 有人想在市场上买卖证券,必须委托会员公司的经纪人才能进行交易,名册登记,开立资金账户和证券交易账户。
- Do not part with the shares on any account. 无论如何不要放弃这些股票。