- He plumped his money down to secure one of the few remaining tickets. 他迅速撂下钱,在剩下不多的票中抢购了1张。
- I plumped my money down to secure one of the few remaining tickets. 入场券剩下不多,我当场付钱购了一张。
- In 2002, Wright was able to secure one of the top rated recruiting classes in the country, led by McDonald's All-American center Jason Frasier. 2002年赖特招募了到了在全国实力排名前列的新一届成员,其中最著名的球员是麦当劳全美高中生成员杰森-弗雷泽。
- Gamma currently is an IBM Distinguished Engineer at IBM's Object Technology International (OTI) lab in Zurich, Switzerland. Gamma目前是IBM对象技术国际实验室杰出的工程师,该实验室位于瑞士的苏黎世地区。
- This season, though, the Blazers will have their work cut out for them if they hope to secure one of the top eight spots in a conference as talented as any the NBA has ever seen. 但本赛季,开拓者队,他们的工作等着他们,如果他们希望冲击前八;那么会议将要进行得超乎大家所料.
- Changing or supplementing executed object is the result of judication effectiveness"s objective scope"s expansion. 变更、追加被执行主体是既判力主观范围扩张的结果;
- After I had secured one part of my living stock, I went about the whole island, searching for another private place. 我把我的一部分家畜安置妥当以后,便走遍全岛,打算再找一片这样幽僻的地方。
- The DOT's objection to Mr Reid, a respected veteran in the industry, because he might be beholden to foreign interests looks particularly meddlesome. 里德是行业中德高望重的前辈,交通部反对他的理由仅仅是认为他可能对外国企业心存感激,现在看来这是十足的狗拿耗子。
- Jon Warner of Argonne National Laboratories set out to examine GPS security one Saturday afternoon. 手机验证是否收费呢?网络电话手机验证的一般过程是:1、用户在注册时输入自己的手机号码;
- FAPO's objectives are to increase the quality and the quantity of accessions from USMA and ROTC. FA支持处(FAPO)的目标是提高从美国陆军军官学校和后备军官训练团招募到的人员的数量和质量。
- How securely one thinks one lives -- out of reach of temptation, sin, folly. And then suddenly -- Oh! Life is terrible. It rules us, we do not rule it. 我们自认为日子过得太太平平,诱惑、罪恶、愚蠢都与我们无关,可突然间,人生真是可怕。是人生在支配我们,不是我们支配人生。
- Designer John Truex clearly feels my pain and thinks life’s objects should be more adaptable. 他那被称为“集合桌”的可伸展式滑动咖啡桌正体现乐我们伸缩自如的生活方式。
- She is one of the best hurdlers in the world. 她是世界上最优秀的跨栏选手之一。
- It will lower the result"s objectivity if factors which can be quantitated are qualitatively evaluated. 将可以量化的要素进行定性评价,会影响评价结果的客观性;
- The drug affects one's power(s) of concentration. 这种药影响人精神不能集中。
- Being a high-tech company with renowned corporate culture, CHP's objectives are: develop world-class IT people; provide fully innovative service and grow with China together. 作为具有卓越企业文化的高科技公司,中国惠普有限公司的3大目标是:培养一流国际人才;提供全面创新服务;与中国共同成长。
- Here are the designs. Which one(s) do you prefer? 这就是那些图样.;你喜欢哪一个[些]?
- One of the branches of a forked or jointed object. 分支部分叉形物或关节的分支
- ISWA is an independent, non-governmental, non-profit making association. ISWA's objective is to promote Sustainable Waste Management World-Wide. 国际固体废物回收委员会是一独立的、非官方性及非营利性的组织。该组织的主旨在于促进全球的废物管理。
- ZIT's objective is to maximize our customers' and employees' benefits, to contribute to society, and to create long-term value for our shareholders. 我们的目标是为客户与员工增进利益,对社会有所贡献,为股东创造长期投资价值。