- Li Po's thoughts of seclusion after success expressed in his poems written in Zhongnan Mountain 李白终南山诗作的功成身退观
- seclusion after success 功成身退
- Ex: They are seeking after success in life. 他们在探索人生的成功之路。
- They left their home and went into seclusion after police arrived to search for evidence Monday night. 在星期一这起事件发生后,警方就到他的家里搜查证据,他的家人也被隔离。
- Many men run after success, and often neglect their wives and children. 许多男人一心追求成功,而忽略了对妻子、孩子的关心。
- He took the reigns as England Head Coach in1999- after success in charge of Newcastle and Fulham. 他在1999年接过英格兰国家队教鞭,在那之前,他曾执教于纽卡斯尔和富勒姆,取得了重大成功。
- Some with ambition are dreaming to have flowers and applause after success, while some is forced to rushing about after fane and gain. 有的人雄心万丈,梦想成功后的鲜花和掌声;有的人忙忙碌碌,为生计为名利四处奔波;有的人玩世不恭,终其一生碌碌无为;
- Going after success and its trappings is a classic American male behavior, and Kevin Lomax shows us what can happen when that behavior gets out of hand. 追逐名利浮华是典型的美国梦,凯文向我们展示了一个人在这过程中失控的情况。"
- After successful procedure, all useful buttons on screen will be enabled. 成功后的程序,所有有用的按钮,屏幕上将会启用。
- The famous actor now lives in seclusion. 那位著名的演员现在过着隐居生活。
- Carrie is always curious about the future, the image of Carrie signing on the rocking chair can be analyzed not only as her frustration after success, but as a vivid embodiment of her unremitting quest. 嘉丽充满对未来的好奇,她独坐摇椅叹息的形象,固然充分展示了个人成功后的失落,亦生动体现了她对自身前途的不懈探索。
- She lives in seclusion apart from her friend. 她远离朋友,过隐居生活。
- After successful completion, the receiving machine acknowledges the fax was received. 成功接收完文件后,接收机就告诉对方传真已收到。
- She was a bit queer after her husband deserted her. 她遭丈夫遗弃後精神有点失常。
- Rose bushes shoot again after being cut back. 玫瑰丛修剪後还能再长出新枝。
- After successful completion,the receiving machine acknowledges the fax was received. 成功接收完文件后,接收机就告诉对方传真已收到。
- After successful landings upon the earth,these huge bodies are renamed meteorites. 这些巨大的天体成功着陆后便被重新命名为陨石。
- Success came after many failures. 经多次失败後,终於获得成功。
- I will reimburse your train ticket after SUCCESSFUL completion of the job and provide you train ticket back. 如果工作完成出色,我将报销往返火车票。
- Seeking or preferring seclusion or isolation. 隐居的想要或愿意隐居或独处的