- seal oil floating stalls 浮动式密封油挡
- There is a lot of oil floating in the noodle soup. 这碗面的浮油真多。
- Is seal oil medicable kidney seeper? 海豹油是否可治疗肾积水?
- Please describe the seal oil working route of the generator. 请谈一谈发电机的密封油的工作路径。
- His mother lkeega put burned seal oil on her face her sorrow. 他的母亲爱季戈把烧过海豹油涂在脸上来表示她的悲伤。
- Well, the air-side and the H2-side seal oil system are separate. 好吧,空气侧和氢侧的密封油系统是分开的。
- His mother lkeega put burned seal oil on her face to show her sorrow. 他的母亲爱季戈把烧过海豹油涂在脸上,来表示她的悲伤。
- Oil floats if you pour it on water. 你如果把油倒在水里,油就浮起来。
- The seal oil cooling system of a turbogenerator constitutes a complicated system in the simulation study of thermal power plants. 在火力发电厂电站仿真研究中,汽轮发电机密封油冷却系统是一个复杂系统。
- The black oil floated on to the beaches and made them dirty. 黑油漂到海滩上,污染了海滩。
- Taiyuan Steel Co. 's 165 000 m 3 Mann type gas holder consumes annually 20 t seal oil. 太钢 16.;5万 m3曼型煤气柜每年需消耗密封机油 2 0 t。
- Abstract BACKGROUND AND AIM: To study the teratogenic effect of fat emulsion of seal oil in rats. 摘要 背景与目的: 探讨海狗油脂肪乳对大鼠致畸毒性作用。
- Therefore,BFEC can be used in clearing away oil floated on water. 因此;BFEC可用于水域油污的治理.
- After a study of the fuzzy model creation method the authors constructed a fuzzy model for a turbogenerator seal oil cooling system with satisfactory results being attained. 文中对模糊建模方法进行了研究,并对汽轮发电机密封油冷却系统进行了模糊建模,取得了满意的结果。
- Taking part in starting test for pump, compressor, seal oil system etc. Being sure they can work normally before running. 参与压缩机、泵、密封油的试车工作,确保各种动设备能够正常的使用。
- The product of high quality and yield was obtained by the molecular distillation technology with unesterified fish oil and seal oil as material. 实验表明,以未经酯化的深海鱼油及海狗油为原料,利用分子蒸馏工艺可以得到较高的产品质量和收率。
- This guide rail for the seal oil bath type,the service life comparatively generally opens the type to bepossible to lengthen above 5 times. 该导轨为密封油浸式,便用寿命较一般开式可延长5倍以上。
- This oil and vinegar set is based on the phenomenon that oil floats on vinegar. 这套油及醋组合是按油浮于醋上的现象而设计的。
- The fault has dual functions in migration and accumulation of oil and gas,the one is to destruct hydrocarbon reservoir,another is to seal oil and gas. 断层在油气运移及成藏中起双重作用,如何评价断层,对油气勘探开发有重要作用。
- Abstract: The seal oil cooling system of a turbogenerator constitutes a complicated system in the simulation study of thermal power plants. 文摘:在火力发电厂电站仿真研究中,汽轮发电机密封油冷却系统是一个复杂系统。