- science major students 理工科学生
- Postgraduates , Ph.d students, English major students. 研究生、博士生、英语系英语专业学生。
- In ideological education of art major students of vocational colleges, the disobey mentality is a common phenomenon. 摘要高职院校艺术类学生思政工作中的逆反心理是普遍存在的现象。
- Ideal students are journalism, environmental science majors who have a good understanding of how to write a good journalistic story. 在学校学习与环境相关的专业或者是学校的环保组织里的一名活跃分子。
- Zhang Xuan, an English major student from Shanghai, shares her experience of studying at HKIEd. 就读教院英文系的上海姑娘张璇分享她的感受。
- PE&Art major students have the most negative possible selves (FWS) , and the least positive possible selves (HWS &EWS) . 艺体类的学生拥有的消极自我(恐惧自我)最多,积极自我(希望自我和预期自我)最少。
- A good pronunciation and intonation is the first important quality for an English- major student in a teachers' university. 良好的语音语调是师范类英语专业学生必备的第一素质。
- This paper investigates the acoustic features of English monophthongs produced by ethnic Korean English major students (KEM in the paper) in Yanbian University. 本文运用声学分析的方法对延边大学英语专业朝鲜语主导型大学生(在文中简称KEM)生成的英语单元音的共振峰和音长声学特征进行实态调查与分析。
- Triston McIntyre, a 23-year-old English and political science major at the University of Maryland at College Park, decided to take a more creative route to employment when he graduates this fall. 23岁的Triston McIntyre是马里兰大学政治和英语 专业的学生,今年秋天毕业,他决定用一种更有创意的办法来解决自己的就业问题。
- Since the teaching experiment was conducted for a limited period of time, the results and analyses of this study may not be suitable to other advanced or English major students. 该项教学试验只持续了一段时间,基于此基础上进行研究的结果和分析可能不适合其它英语水平较好的或英语专业的学生。
- MUST 2nd year BBA students may apply for transfer to the “Bridge Program” leading to the Bachelor of Science majoring in International Business which is offered by Saint Joseph's University (SJU). 澳门科技大学攻读工商管理学士学位的二年级学生,可以申请转学进入美国圣约瑟大学的“桥梁学习计画”,攻读理学学士学位课程,国际商务学专业范畴。
- "Among all students who graduated from Hooper University over the past five years, more physical science majors than social science majors found permanent jobs within a year of graduation. 87为促进本市的经济增长,市民应该对州政府关于建造直接连接郊区和市中心的新高速路的提案投赞成票。
- I am nearing the end of my second year of studies as an English Translation and Interpreting major student at the University of Nottingham and am looking for a summer job. 我是诺丁汉大学英语口译和笔译专业二年级的学生,正想在暑假找一个工作。
- He dedicated his life to science. 他毕生致力于科学事业。
- Language teaching is both a science and art. 语文教学既是一门科学又是一种艺术。
- A qualified music teacher must be a versatile of practical abilities. This paper discusses the cultivation of Music major students' ability of extemporaneous piano accompaniment in teachers college. 作为一位合格的音乐教师,必须具备多方面的实践操作能力,本文从多角度,阐述了高师音乐专业学生钢琴即兴伴奏能力的培养。
- The dictionary is mainly for civil aviation practitioner, aviation majored students and Aviation enthusiasts. 词典主要面向民航从业人员、航空专业学员以及航空爱好者。
- information and computing science major 信息与计算科学专业
- information and the computing science major 信息与计算科学专业
- Our immigrant children, members of racial minorities, are beginning to close the enormous gap in achievement between minority and majority students. 我们的移民孩子,少数民族的成员,正在缩短着少数民族学生与其他学生之间在学习上的巨大差距.