- Nc-stage Nc-stage
- 循环对比试验Stage 6成果报告 Report on the Round Robin Test Stage 6 Results
- E-School E-School
- STAGE文本、字符串函数讨论 Discussion on Text Character String Function of STAGE
- 哪个词与school押韵? What words rhyme with"school"?
- 基于STAGE的单舰防空反导仿真实现 Implement on Simulation of Air-defense and Anti-missile on Naval Vessel base on STAGE
- 中学被称为high school。 this is called a high school.
- 哪些词和“school”押韵? What words rhyme with"school"?
- 基于STAGE的电子对抗环境下地空导弹武器系统仿真软件研制 The Development of Simulation Software for Surface to Air Missile Weapon System under ECM Circumstance Based on STAGE
- "高中,见 junior high school" high school
- 接下来,循环对比实验研讨会主席内海先生报告了“Stage 5”的成果。 This was followed by the Round Robin Test "Stage 5" Results Report by Mr. Utsumi, the chairman.
- “school”是不是有不止一种意思? Does "school"have more than one meaning?
- Rotterdam school(亦称风格派) 鹿特丹学派
- 在ProcessMessage方法内,当Stage属性设置为AfterSerialize时,检查传递的SoapMessage的Exception属性。 Within the ProcessMessage method, check the Exception property of the SoapMessage passed when the Stage property is set to AfterSerialize.
- Manchester School (即自由贸易学派) 曼彻斯特学派
- heavy armo(u)r school (坦克设计方面的) 重装甲学派
- 根据心理测量原理和变化阶段理论,对英文量表Stage of Change(Continuous Measure)Scale进行了本土化的修订,编制为中文版量表。 According to the principle of psychology measure and theory of stage of change,the writer adapts the Stage of Change(Continuous Measure) Scale into Chinese version.
- heavy firepower school (坦克设计方面的) 强火力学派
- 在 Ben likes school 中,动词 like 是陈述语气。 In 'Ben likes school', the verb 'like' is in the indicative.
- 背景与目的 糖尿病肾病(diabetic nephropathy,DN)是糖尿病的一种常见的微血管并发症,也是导致终末期肾脏病(end stage renal disease,ESRD)的主要原因。 Background and objective Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is not only a common microvascular complications of diabetes mellitus but also the major cause of the end stage renal disease (ESRD).