- 中的 mesne
- 我们的新外贸政策只不过是国际贸易中的一些通常做法罢了。 Our new foreign trade policy is no more than some general practice in international trade.
- 传说中的 legendary
- 那个候选人自从最近作了一次讲演以后在公众心目中的地位提高了。 That candidate has come up in the public opinion since his last speech.
- 进行中的 underway
- 她与公司中的那些上级主管合作愉快。 She work well with those superior to her in the firm.
- 无论从哪方面说,穿过山谷中的路比越过山顶上的路要强。 The road through the valley is preferable to the one over the hill, in every respect.
- 过顶扣球如网球或羽毛球比赛中的一击,伴随着从头顶猛烈向下的动作 A stroke in a game, such as tennis or badminton, that is made with a hard downward motion from above the head.
- 一年中的这个时候,太阳在早上五点钟升起,到晚上八点半光景才落下。 At this time of year the sun comes up at five in the morning and goes down at about eight-thirty in the evening.
- 第一次世界大战前最後几年中的那个英国社会是再也无法挽回了。 The England of the last few years before world war I went beyond recall.
- 一定要在你文章句子中的正确地方标上正确的标点符号。 Be sure to punctuate your sentences with the correct marks in the right places.
- 如果你让跑得最快的人来定速度,那麽他们中的大多数人都将落後。 If you ask the fast runner to set the pace, then most of them will be leave behind.
- 莫里亚蒂教授可以被说成是福尔莫斯故事中的行为卑鄙龌龊的人。 Professor Moriarty could be described as the dirty dog of the Sherlock Holmes stories.
- 时装流行式样中的种种迹象表明针织上衣和编织品已越来越不受青睐。 The straws in the fashion wind indicate a shrinking attachment for jersey and knitting.
- 我们公司由于在世界药品生产中的领先地位而将继续断言其优先权 Our company will continue to assert its precedence as the world's leading manufacturer of pharmaceuticals.
- 仅在几个西方国家里,宗教仍然是政治中的一股重要势力。 Only in a few Western countries does religion remain an important power in politics.
- 我在文章中的习惯用语下面划了线,以便引起你的注意。 I underlined the idiomatic expressions in the passage to catch your eye.
- 木栓,木砖嵌入石墙中的木块,以钉支撑细木构造物的钉子 A wooden block built into a masonry wall to hold nails that support joinery structures.
- 以记录、区域或控制块中的任意起始点到另一个点之间的测量单位数。 The number of measuring units from an arbitrary starting point in a record, area, or control block, to some other point.
- 经理因急于签订合同,想把合同中的问题敷衍一下了事。 The manager tried to slough over the problems in the contract because he was keen to get it signed.