- Some people like to eat scallop. 有些人喜欢吃扇贝。
- Scallop spat and scallop farming cages. 商品名称:扇贝贝苗和养殖设备
- Here is your fried rice with scallop, sir. 这是您的干贝炒饭,先生。
- The various sea-food have prawn, shrimp scallop perch. 海鲜类有基围虾、毛蟹、带子、桂花鱼等等。
- Lug valves are furnished in scallop and full body designs. 凸耳阀门具有扇形结构和全阀体结构。
- Scallop divers have worked out of Ulva Ferry for generations. 在厄瓦港口,扇贝采集者们世代在此生息繁衍。
- Lobster, scallop, and shrimp Caesar salad, a pretty filling plate. 天气热吃沙拉好了;一大盘蛮饱的.
- Soak dried scallop and dried shelled shrimp until soft. 干贝、虾米泡软。
- Scallop is furnished whenever possible to keep weight to a minimum. 扇形结构尽可能减少阀体重量。
- Evenly dust the scallop and shitake mushroom with wheat flour. 均匀地将带子及椎茸盖上麦粉。
- Shellfish: Scallop, Cockle shell, Short-necked clam. 贝类:夏夷贝、鸟贝。
- Rinse and drain the scallop, cut it in half, and then slice. 带子洗净沥乾水,每只开半,然后再切成小片。
- This is the seafood plate, with fish, prawn, calamari and scallop. 这个就是主角了!有烤鱼,烤虾,烤苏东,烤带子,还不错吧!
- Wash dried scallop and soak in water for 2 hours. Tear into shreds. 瑶柱洗净,用清水浸2小时后撕碎。
- According to the latest Scallop Poll, fear of sharks is at an all-time high. 根据最近的鹦鹉螺的记载;鲨鱼的威胁无时不在.
- Scallop: To edge (cloth, for example) with a series of curved projections. 用一系列曲线装饰(比如布)边缘。
- Dinner, scallop and oyster unlimited supply, lunch and limited supply. 晚市时,扇贝、生蚝为无限量供应,午市则限量供应哦。
- No biggie,I guess I don't need a scallop trim on the outer hoop skirt. 没什么大不了的,我想我没有必要再在外侧加一个扇形装饰了。
- Marinate the scallop cubes, squid cubes and ostrich meat cubes for 20 minutes. 带子粒、鱿鱼粒、鸵鸟肉粒用腌料腌20分钟,备用。
- Pan-Fried King Prawn with Scallop, Mash Potato, Mix Salad, Thai Chili Sauce. 香煎蒜茸大明虾,焗澳带,配土豆泥,混合沙拉,泰式辣味汁