- say nay to sth. v. 拒绝某事
- say nay to sth 拒绝某事, 不批准某事
- His mother never said nay to any request the child might make. 这孩子的母亲从来没有拒绝过他提出的任何要求。
- I shall not say nay to him. 我决不会拒绝他的。
- Take sb's hand and clasp it when agreeing to sth. 紧握某人的手表示同意某事物。
- and if a smart young colonel, with five or six thousand a year, should want one of my girls, I shall not say nay to him; 要是有位漂亮的年轻上校,每年有五六千磅的收入,随便向我的哪一个女儿求婚,我决不会拒绝他的;
- Stick to: not abandon or change sth.; Keep to sth. 不放弃,坚持或维持某事物。
- Compare(with sth.;measure up(to sth. 能(与某事物)相比;比得上(某事物)
- Neither be enslaved to sth nor... 不制于物,不以物役。
- say nay to vt. 拒绝(不批准)
- said nay to v. 拒绝(不批准)
- I thought I was immune to movie stars. Immune to sth. 有免疫力的,不受事物影响,不易感受某事物。
- Refer to, compare to, in contrast to compare to sth. 表示比喻或比拟,而。
- I managed to help him out of trouble. Help oneself to sth. 帮助克服困难。
- Label( attached to sth,giving details of its price,size,etc. (附于某物上标明价格、尺码等的)标签.
- It was tasteless of you to say that. 你说那种话真是庸俗。
- He learned timely to beg that could not say "Nay". 学会在适当的时候向人请求,就不会被拒绝。
- Beparty to sth participate in,knowabout or support(an action,a plan,etc. 参与、了解或支持(某行动、计画等)
- It was dishonest of you not to say so. 你没有这样说是不诚实的。
- All but a few will say amen to his proposal. 除了少数几个人外,大家都会十分赞成他的建议。