- Her life was saved by a miracle. 她的生命是靠奇迹救活的。
- He remained hanging in midair, saved by the belt. 他吊在半空中,安全带救了他。
- The drowning child was saved by a fisher. 那个溺水的小孩被一个渔夫救了。
- A loose robe worn chiefly by women. 仿和服晨衣主要为妇女穿的宽松长袍
- A loose covering for the head, formerly worn by women. 以前妇女头部戴的一种宽松的遮盖物
- A very brief, close-fitting two-piece bathing suit worn by women. 比基尼一种妇女穿的两件装非常短小的紧身游泳衣
- His shot was well saved by goalkeeper Nicola. 他的球被守门员尼古拉成功地救起。
- They were saved by persistent fogs. 久久不散的大雾拯救了他们。
- He remained hanging in midair,saved by the belt. 他吊在半空中,安全带救了他。
- A loose garment worn in bed by women and girls. 便装,睡衣妇女和女孩子在床上穿的宽松长袍
- A loose outer robe worn by women in ancient Greece. 宽松外袍古希腊妇女穿的一种宽松长袍外套
- The snake was saved by the old kind hearted man. 这位好心肠的老人救起了这条蛇。
- Billiards is played by women as well as by men. 弹子戏男女都玩。
- She was only saved by the tears in her eyes. 她眼中的泪水救了她的命。
- A short, sleeveless bodice, formerly worn by women. 紧身胸衣原为女式在无袖紧身短胸衣。
- Who will be saved by "Yin zheng Tong"? "银证通",挽救了谁?
- Many a bum show has been saved by the flag. 许多无聊的做秀被旗帜所救。
- He remained hanging in mid-air, saved by the belt. 他吊在半空中,安全带救了他。
- A family, community, or society based on this system or governed by women. 母权社会以母权制为基础或者受妇女统治的家庭、氏族、部落
- In adversity a man is saved by hope. 希望拯救身陷逆境的人。