- Meanwhile the Kassites established a strong realm, Sangar, in southern Mesopotamia, with Babel as its capital, not touched by Mitanni or Hittites. But the Elamites threatened or invaded them. 同时,加喜特人在南美索不达米亚南建立了强大的萨加王国,巴别是它的首都,并没有与米坦尼或赫梯接壤,但埃兰人却在威胁或侵略他们。
- The Economic Effect of the War to Sungar in the Early Years of the Qing Dynasty 清朝前期对准噶尔作战的经济效果
- sungar n. [建](用石块砌成的)胸墙;矮防护墙
- Sangaré 桑加雷
- sangar 散兵壕