- Higher-Order Finite Element for Sandwich Plates. 夹层平板高阶有限元。
- The low-velocity impact response of Nomex honeycomb sandwich plate was investigated theoretically and experimentally. 给出了基于Mindlin 板理论并考虑到夹芯板上下纤维增强层板在撞击时变形不同的用于撞击动响应计算的分析模型。
- Corrugated board is a kind of sandwich structural materials and it can be studied as an orthotropic sandwich plate. 摘要瓦楞纸板是夹层结构材料中的一种,可以将其作为正交各向异性的夹层板来进行研究。
- The experiment shows that the vierendeel sandwich plate is a new sort of floor framing system which has good stiffness and high safety sotorage. 试验表明,钢筋混凝土空腹夹层板是一种刚度好、安全储备较高的新型楼(屋)盖结构体系。
- Besides, the evaluation will be done with regard to the influence of the parameter design on the fiber-reinforced composite sandwich plate with a honeycombed core. 此外,亦评估此等设计参数对蜂巢状核心材纤维强化三明治夹层板结构强度之影响。
- ESPI has never been applied on measurement of sandwich plates with inserts. 至今仍未有研究将ESPI应用在含扣件三明治蜂巢板的量测上。
- The novel concept of average minimum moment of inertia (AMMI) is presented and the formula for obtaining AMMI of a cellar array for a thick honeycomb sandwich plate or beam is derived. 提出了平均最小横截面惯性矩的概念,并推出了常用蜂窝夹芯板梁的平均最小横截面惯性矩的计算公式,解决了厚蜂窝夹芯板梁胞元阵列惯性矩的计算问题。
- The additional state of axisymmetric delamination problem of sandwich plates is studied. 研究了夹芯板轴对称脱层问题的附加状态.
- From the references, it is known that most of the researches do not consider the existence and viscoelasticity of adhesive layers in sandwich plates. 由文献中得知三明治平板力学分析中大都不考虑胶黏层,更缺少探讨其黏弹性行为。
- It is indicated that method proposed in the thesis is feasible to solve the buckling problems of honeycomb sandwich plates with debonding. 这表明本文的方法 对于求解 含面芯脱胶蜂窝夹芯板的总体失稳问题是切实可行的。
- He doubled his slice of bread to make a sandwich. 他将一片面包对摺做成三明治
- Quasi-static transverse indentation tests of composite sandwich plates were carried out to study the contact law of honeycomb core sandwich panels. 摘要借助于蜂窝夹芯叠层板(以下简称蜂窝板)的准静态横向压入实验,研究了蜂窝板的低速冲击接触规律,提出了半经验性的蜂窝板低速冲击接触定律。
- This research presents the construction and operation of an electronic speckle pattern interferometer (ESPI) applied to sandwich plates with inserts. 本研究呈现应用电子斑点干涉术(ESPI)于镶入扣件三明治蜂巢板量测的建构与操作。
- The dynamic characteristics of a sandwich plate with two Aluminium alloy plates as its surface layers and electrorheological fluid (ERF) as its core layer are studied numerically and experimentally. 摘要通过对一种含电流变液铝合金夹层板智能结构的动力学实验与仿真,分析和研究该结构在外电场作用下的动力特性变化。
- sandwich plate system bridge decks 夹层桥面板
- An eight-node isoparametric element of composite sandwich plates using Reissner Theory was developed,which provides a relative simple finite element method. 本文用Reissner理论构造了一种八节点等参单元, 对于表层较薄、夹芯剪切模量较大的复合材料夹层板, 提供了一种相对简单的有限元计算方法。
- In the nonlinear bending theory of circular sandwich plates, nonlinear bending ofthe plates under the action of axisymmetric uniformly distributed line load is adifficult problem. 在夹层板的非线性弯曲理论中,夹层圆板受轴对称均布线荷载作用时的非线性弯曲是一个比较困难的问题。
- Much modern furniture is not solid but using a sandwich of wood veneer on plywood. 许多现代家俱用的并非实心木料,而是在胶合板上镶上一层木板饰面而已。
- sandwich plate with aluminum foam core 泡沫铝夹层板
- He only put a bit on his plate to make fashion. 他只是拨了一点食物到盘子里做做样子。