- Here, Saguaro has the same treatment as human being. 以前在台湾很难想像,为了保护仙人掌,还可以成立国家公园,在此州,仙人掌确实得到像仙人一样的待遇。
- Thank you antorenz. Seems like a saguaro can make any sunset look good. 注册后发表评论。如果您已经注册,请登录。
- The world's tallest cactus is the saguaro, which can reach up to 50 to 75 feet tall. 世界上最高的仙人掌是名为saguaro的仙人掌,高达50至75英尺。
- The world's tallest cactus is the saguaro,which can reach up to 50 to 75 feet tall. 世界上最高的仙人掌是名为saguaro的仙人掌,高达50至75英尺。
- The species responsible for this image is a local monarch of the family, the patriarchal saguaro [pictured] of southern Arizona. 正是仙人掌界的主宰树形仙人掌,造成了人们的这种印象。
- The world’s tallest cactus is the saguaro, which can reach up to 50 to 75 feet tall. 世界上最高的仙人掌是名为saguaro的仙人掌,高达50至75英尺。
- In a time-lapse film, a Saguaro grove would seem to creep across the desertscape like a pool of mercury. 我们将画面定格到某一时间,会发现巨人柱树丛似乎蔓延至沙漠景观中,就像一池水银。
- Tour fare includes Saguaro, White Sands, Lake Powell, Monument Valley,Petrified Forest National Park entrance fee. 团费包括:仙人掌、白沙、包伟湖、纪念碑山谷、石化林国家公园门票。
- As a signature plant of Saguaro National Park, saguaro cactus can grow to a height that is taller than a man. 为阻止频发的偷盗仙人掌事件,公园管理者计划为这种珍贵的植物安装防盗芯片。
- Hence, Saguaro in Arizona is a protected plant, which no one can cut it or he will go to jail. 仙人掌在亚利桑纳州是受到保护的植物,不可以乱砍,否则会有牢狱之灾。
- US National Park Service officials plan to imbed microchips in saguaro cacti to protect them from thieves. 比人还高的树形仙人掌是美国萨瓜罗国家公园的标志,也是窃贼们下手的目标。
- This picture may be able to present a better idea that it is literally impossible to hug a saguaro. 这张或许可看出端倪;为什麽去拥抱它是不可能的.
- Arizona National Park officials plan to microchip the state's signature saguaro cactus plants to deter thieves. 亚利桑那国家公园的官员计划将微型芯片植入该州标志性的巨型仙人掌中,防止被盗。
- The circles on the Peace saguaro were decorated by people attending the Family Arts Festival in Tucson in January, 2008. 作品仙人掌上的各个圆圈圈是2008年1月,参与图森地区家庭艺术嘉年华民众所创作的。
- The species responsible for this image is a local monarch of the family, the patriarchal saguaro (pictured) of southern Arizona. 与这形象最贴切的就是亚利桑那州南部的北美巨型仙人掌(如图所示),本土仙人掌家族中的帝王。
- A thick stand of cactus, such as a Saguaro forest, can migrate onto or off of a patch of southwestern desert in little as 100 years. 郁郁葱葱的仙人掌树丛,比如巨树仙人掌从林,可以在短短不到100年之内迁进或迁出西南部的小块沙漠地带。
- A child sees a saguaro cactus by day but there are no animals until after he leaves, when various creatures come out to play and prey. 图书性质:全价/非现货图书(想了解什么是非现货图书,请点击这里)
- Some cacti, like the saguaro, grow to tree size, but true trees need more moisture than most desert environments can supply, so they are scarce on deserts. 一些仙人掌,如撒瓜罗,能长到象树那么高。但真正的树却需要比大多数沙漠所能提供的更多的水份,所以树在沙漠里是鲜见的。
- Some cacti, like the saguaro, grow to tree size, but true trees need more moisture than most desert environments can supply, 一些仙人掌,如撒瓜罗,能长到象树那么高。但真正的树却需要比大多数沙漠所能提供的更多的水份,
- sahuaro n. 仙人掌之一种