- safety guarantee duty 安全保障义务
- And we obtained the safety guarantee certificate of GS for Germany market, CE for European Union market. 地脚灯,金卤灯、嵌灯,草地灯、高射灯变速控制盒等各种系列的灯具,公司已通过德国GS.
- The professional lab which tops internationally will check the products for more safety guarantee. 国际领先的专业实验室对产品进行全方位检测;更多安全保证.
- He wished his safety guaranteed. 他希自己的安全获得保证。
- The relevant enterprises should submit the safety guarantee confirmation on composition table from the importer or brand manufacturer. 有关企业应提交进口商或品牌商对成份表的安全保证确认函。
- Everyday work of aviation system, including the business credit and holistic benefit will be infected without the safety guarantee. 安全出了问题,全行业的正常工作、尤其是行业形象和整体效益就会受到影响。
- The effect of water quality on disinfection and the wastewater pretreatment requirements for safety guarantee of urban wastewater reuse or discharge were introduced. 简要介绍了水质对消毒效果的影响以及城市污水安全性保障需要达到的消毒前水质要求;
- Inserting an object in containers that will be modified by different threads has no thread safety guarantee, although in most platforms it will be thread-safe without locking. 向一个会被其它线程修改的容器插入对象是没有线程安全性保证的,虽然在多数平台上,它是无锁定线程安全的。
- Besides the producer and distributor's moral decline in profit seeking, the imperfectness in food safety guarantee mechanism is a more important cause of the rises of such cases. 造成我国食品安全问题屡禁不绝的重要原因除了生产商、经营者唯利是图、道德沦丧外,还在于我国食品安全保障机制的不健全。
- E-business contract is concluded in virtual environment. Since no parties concerned meet face to face, their credit and identities can only be confirmed by some safety guarantee systems such as electronic signature and electronic authentication. 电子商务合同的订立是在虚拟的网络环境中进行的,当事人互不见面,其信用和身份只能通过电子签名和电子认证等安全保障机制来确认。
- Social Activity Guarantee Duty in the Case of Third Person Tort 第三人侵权时社会活动保障义务探究
- This paper analyses the safety guarantee principle of ISM Code by using modern safety management theory,and explains the basic principle in estabilishment,running,inspection of ISM Code and SMS. 此文用现代安全管理理论分析了ISM规则的安全保障原理,从理论上说明了在ISM规则及其安全管理体系(SMS)的建立、运行、检查等环节中应遵循的基本原则。
- Intrusive containers have thread safety guarantees similar to STL containers. 介入式容器具有与STL容器相似的线程安全性保证。
- Water level with safety guarantee 保证水位
- Japan- American safety guarantee system 日美安全保障体制
- obligation of safety guarantee of the operator 经营者安全保障义务
- information safety guarantee system 信息安全保障体系
- It seemed an eternity before news of his safety reached her. 他平安的消息到达她那里之前,那段时间似乎是无限漫长的。
- The path of duty is the path of safety. 忠于职守乃坦途。
- Thanks to I had tied then the safety belt. 幸亏我当时系上了安全带。