- operas as sacrificial offering to gods and ancestors 赛会演剧
- sacrificial offering to gods 祭祀
- The sacrificial rites are not only commemoratory activities, but originally the offerings to gods. 这种祭祀不能仅视为纪念活动,其本义就是祀神。
- The Incas, from about 1100to 1532, thought highly of peanuts.The peanuts were eaten in several forms and used as sacrificial offerings(祭品)to the Incas Sun god. 印加人生活的年代从1100年到1532年,花生不仅仅作为食物,它具有更深层次的意义,吃花生有几种形式并且被用作印加太阳神的祭品。
- Wang Ping: At 7:45 on August 8,at Nan Jiajiao,Lushun City,and a platform less than 400 meters was filled with people. According to the rites of local fishermen,Zhang Jian would splash wine to make sacrificial offerings to sea. 王平:8月8日上午7时45分,旅顺老铁山南岬角不足400米的平台上挤满了人,张健按照当地渔民的习俗洒酒祭海。
- Once out of the ark, Noah built an altar and offered a burnt offering to God to thank Him for His deliverance, and to dedicate his life in service to Him. 挪亚一出方舟就为神筑了一座坛,并献燔祭以感谢神的拯救,并要用一生来侍奉神。
- He offered to take 10% off the price. 他表示愿意按原价减去百分之十。
- Wang Ping: At 7:45 on August 8, at Nan Jiajiao, Lushun City, and a platform less than 400 meters was filled with people. According to the rites of local fishermen, Zhang Jian would splash wine to make sacrificial offerings to sea. 王平:8月8日上午7时45分,旅顺老铁山南岬角不足400米的平台上挤满了人,张健按照当地渔民的习俗洒酒祭海。
- Religious devotion and reverence to God. 虔诚,虔敬宗教中对上帝的爱和尊敬
- A song of praise or thanksgiving to God or a deity. 赞美诗,赞歌对上帝或神的赞美或感恩的歌
- They knelt down and prayed to God for help. 他们跪下,祈求上帝保佑。
- A sacrificial offering that is consumed entirely by flames. 燔祭用火烧祭的供品
- They prayed to God to deliver them from danger. 他们祈求上帝把他们从危险中拯救出来。
- She offered to help us of her own volition. 她自愿提出要帮助我们。
- A sacrificial offering that is consumed entirelyby flames. 燔祭用火烧祭的供品。
- They sang a hymn of praise to God. 他们唱著圣歌,赞美上帝。
- Even after having longed so much, the little child was offered to God after being born! 即使这么渴望,可是生了一个小孩仍拿去供养上帝!
- They landed up not only having to apologize but also offering to pay. 他们最後不但同意道歉,而且还要付款。
- One of the principal parts of the Eucharistic liturgy at which bread and wine are offered to God by the celebrant. 奉献仪式圣餐的礼拜仪式的主要部分之一,酒和面包由主领弥撒的神父奉献给上帝
- She offered (up) a prayer to God for her husband's safe return. 她向上帝祷告保佑她丈夫平安回来。