- I wanted to rush up and have it out with them. But would that save him? Hardly. 我想跑上去和他们讲道理,但这能救他吗?恐怕不行。
- Middle age occurs when you are too young to take up golf and too old to rush up to the net. 中年始于:当你要开始打高尔夫求则嫌太年轻,要打篮球又嫌太老之时。
- Two attentive nurses immediately rush up to catch her and straighten her up. 两个细心的看护看到了这一幕,以为她快从椅子摔下来了,便马上冲上去扶稳她坐正。
- So,two strangers rush up and sniff each other up and down ? Is that possible ? 葛优:两个陌生人,萍水相逢。一见面凑上去一通乱闻,可能吗?
- He always comes rushing up at the last moment. 他往往到最后的一瞬间才急忙赶来。
- At the critical moment, he rushed up bravely. 他在千钧一发的紧急关头,勇敢地冲了上去。
- The manager rushed up the orders for the deadline. 经理因期限将至而催促定单。
- Fresh troops were rushed up to the front. 又有军队赶运到了前线。
- He felt the blood rushing up at these words. 听了这些话,他感到热血直往上涌。
- At this critical moment reinforcements rushed up. 就在这个节骨眼上,援军赶到了。
- Danish tourists usually as the first thing in New York rush up to gospel services in Harlem where no white Americans dream of going. 纽约丹麦后裔通常催促到黑人住宅区(这里不会梦见白人光临)做信仰仪式作为礼拜天的第一件事。
- During a piano and staccato repetition of the theme, the strings and flutes rush up, bringing the music to the briefest of halts. 当音乐以弱音和断奏重复主题时,弦乐和长笛响起,将音乐带入一个极短的中断。
- The Munroe girls rushed up to exclaim over her dress. 孟家的女孩子都跑过来为她的衣服喝彩。
- When we parked the car by the main peak, Lassen Peak of course, I immediately grabbed a bottle of water and started my determined rush up. 车停在蓝森峰下,我拿了一瓶水就开始快步登山,这次不登顶是不会罢休的。
- Johnson rushes up and makes a topspin forehand drive. 约翰逊上网,正手抽上旋球。
- She seems okay but after a while she slowly starts to lean over sideways in her chair. Two attentive nurses immediately rush up to catch her and straighten her up. 她看起来精神挺不错,但刚坐下不久,她从椅子上慢慢地歪到一边。两个细心的看护看到了这一幕,以为她快从椅子摔下来了,便马上冲上去扶稳她坐正。
- The oil rushes up the tube and spouts up as a gusher. 石油会沿着钢管上涌,如同自喷井那样喷射出来。
- So she's gone rushing up to Leicester to sort things out. 所以她匆忙赶往莱斯特处理事情。
- Cars often pile up here in the rush hours. 在交通拥挤时刻汽车往往在这里挤成一团。
- They had rushed up to her and tried to steal her handbag. "他们向她冲来,并且企图夺取她的手提包。"