- The children were rushing about. 孩子们到处乱闯。
- I won't let you rush about like a blind man riding a blind horse. 我不能让你盲人瞎马地去到处乱闯。
- I don't feel energetic enough to rush about, so I'll sit down. 我感到没有力气东奔西跑, 我想坐下来。
- The common saying says: For the sake of the life, we rush about everywhere; For the sake of the future, we fight hard! 俗语说:为了生活,我们四处奔波;为了将来,我们努力拼搏!
- The children were rushing about in the garden. 孩子们在花园里跑来跑去。
- You everywhere rush about, difficult seeking, discontentedly in present situation. 你到处奔波,艰苦求索,不满于现状。
- I'm going to the kitchen to warn them so that they'll not have to rush about at the last moment. 我先去厨房通知一声,免得临时手忙脚乱。
- You may notice that people in Helsinki do not rush about as in other cities.Instead, they walk along the roads, politely letting other people by. 你会发现在赫尔辛基人们并不向其他城市的人们那么焦急的赶时间,相反,在马路上他们会礼貌的为其他人让路。
- Minister rushed about the camp praying and exhorting. 牧师在营地到处奔走,一边祷告,一边劝戒。
- This incessant rushing about is beginning to tell on you. 到处不停地乱跑开始影响你的健康了。
- Therefore, “compassion mother” sets up in each region places the spot, solves the children to rush about inconveniently specially in the intercourse city. 于是,“爱心妈妈”在各地设立寄养点,专门解决孩子们在往来城市的奔波不便。
- Move the camera in close and you can see cannon crews hurriedly reloading below deck between barrages, while up top men rush about their business with military precision. 动态的天气效果同样为帝国海战增光添彩:灼热的阳光忽然消失,不久就下起了倾盆大雨;
- They rushed about helter-skelter collecting dung and carrying earth. 他们忙忙乱乱地跑来跑去拾粪担土。
- There's no great rush about it. 不急。
- From then on he rushed about the constrcution site from dawn to dark. 在这之后,他就从早到晚在工地上奔忙开了。
- Because of the thing on the job I want to rush about, went to what this summer will be answered back and forth to give many sweat, because I am overcome,the steam of a suit and sweat always wash my hands chronically or wash a face. 因为工作上的事我要奔波,到了这个夏季来往返回的出了不少汗,由于我受不了一身的热气和汗水就总是习惯性的洗手或洗脸。
- He rushed about doing preposterous things in an extraordinary manner. 他奔来奔去,离奇古怪地干下了种种荒谬的事情。
- The rush hour traffic is murder. 交通高峰时间真是难以忍受之事
- They rushed about helter - skelter collecting dung and carrying earth. 他们忙忙乱乱地跑来跑去拾粪担土。
- From then on he rushed about the construction site from dawn to dark. 在这之后,他就从早到晚在工地上奔忙开了。