- rural migrant workers system 农民工体制
- We will implement policies and measures to solve the problems rural migrant workers in cities face. 认真落实解决农民工问题的各项政策措施。
- Before the Spring Festival, millions of rural migrant workers go back to their hometowns by train to get together with their relatives. 春节前,数以百万计的农民工乘火车回乡与亲人团聚。
- It also decentralizes the costs of experimental faults, and reduces the costs of migrant workers system’s flux. 也把试错的成本分散化,减少农民工制度变迁的成本。
- Bankruptcies and temporary shutdowns of factories have cost many rural migrant workers their jobs, he said.He emphasized that there haven't been mass layoffs. 近几周来,中国几大城市的出租汽车司机相继进行了罢运,在南方地区,一些因工厂关门而失业的工人也举行了抗议活动。
- Being both farmers and marginalized group in cities, rural migrant workers are a disadvantaged group with dual identity owing to economic and social reasons. 摘要进城农民工既是农民,又是都市边缘群体,他们是由经济、社会诸方面的原因造成的具有双重身份的弱势群体。
- We will accelerate the establishment of a social safety net targeted at rural migrant workers in cities, with the focus on signing them up for workers' compensation insurance and medical insurance for major diseases. 加快建立适合农民工特点的社会保障制度,重点推进农民工工伤保险和大病医疗保障工作。
- The focus of efforts will be on extending coverage to more rural migrant workers in cities, employees in the nonpublic sector of the economy and urban residents without fixed employment. 重点扩大农民工、非公有制经济组织从业人员、城镇灵活就业人员参加社会保险。
- The rural migrant worker from endemic area 疫区外流人员
- rights and interests of rural migrant workers 农民工权益
- wage rate for rural migrant workers 农民工工资
- schools for children of rural migrant workers 民工子弟学校
- Ways to Get Over the Difficulties in Establishing a Social Security System for Rural Migrant Workers 建立农民工社会保障制度的难点及对策
- Establishing Flexible Pension Insurance System Tailored to Rural Migrant Workers 适合农民工特点:建立弹性养老保险制度
- Actively and Reliably Solve Some Problems of Rural Migrant Workers 积极稳妥地解决进城务工人员问题
- Solve the problem of low wages for rural migrant workers in cities 解决农民工工资偏低的问题
- children living with the rural migrant workers in cities 进城务工人员随迁子女
- Migrant workers move from city to city in search of work. 流动工人为了寻找工作从一个城市移居到另一个城市。
- Influence of Rural Migrant Workers on The Study of Left-behind Children 父母外出务工对农村留守儿童学习的影响
- Encamp migrant workers near the fields. 使流动的工人在田野附近扎营