- After his retirement he will try not to run around in circles. 他退休后,不要做没有目标的瞎忙。
- He keeps running around in circles every day. 他整天忙得团团转。
- He keeps running around in circles. 他忙得团团转。
- The parents told their children to stay focused and not run around in circles. 父母告诉孩子要坚定目标,不可瞎忙一阵。
- When planets run around and around in circles, we say they are orbting. When people do it, we say they are crazy. 当行星绕着圈子一支转,就叫轨道运行。但是,如果有人这样做,我们就叫他神经病。
- When people run around and around in circles we say they are crazy. When planets do it we say they are orbiting. 要是人一圈一圈转个不停我们会说他们疯了,星球那么做时我们说它们在轨道上运行。
- He kept trying over and over to get it ,but all he could do was run around in circles . 它再三努力想获得它,而它所能做的也就是不断绕着圈追着自己的尾巴跑。
- Well, a chicken with its head cut off actually does run around in circles. Blind birds fly in circles. And a blindfolded dog will swim in circles. 本句翻译:是的,一只被砍掉了脑袋的鸡确实会转着圈跑的。瞎了眼睛的鸟也都是转着圈飞的。一双被蒙住了眼睛的狗也会转着大圈游泳。
- Zhen Zi Dan and falls the succuba variant) to pursue together takes the monster, actually instead rapid is been in love by the week the lizard fine to play runs around in circles. 而正是这一刻的表现,无不不让所有观众为之动容,这真挚地情感表现,真正揪住了每一位观众的心。
- That pitiful donkey called for several hours, the farmer in the well to be anxious pitifully in the well head runs around in circles, was does not have the means to rescue it. 一天,一个农民的驴子掉到了枯井里。那可怜的驴子在井里凄惨地叫了好几个钟头,农民在井口急得团团转,就是没办法把它救起来。
- You can rub it with cotton and swing it around in circles. 你可以用棉花揉一揉,并绕圈摇一摇。
- I'll be glad to run around in the town if I have the opportunity. 如果有机会我会很高兴坐车去城里玩玩。
- Our two-year old likes to run around in his birthday suit. 我们两岁的孩子喜欢光着身子到处跑。
- Who is this man running around in the bank? 这个在银行里跑来跑去的人是谁啊?
- I won't have you running around in the house. 我不允许你在家里到处乱跑。
- run around in circles vi. 忙得团团转(毫无结果地乱忙一气)
- Scientists have discovered that if they give amphetamines to a group of mice they will run wildly around in circles for 10 minutes and then drop dead. 科学家已经发现,如果给一组老鼠注射安非他命,它们会发疯地乱跑10分钟,然后死掉。
- Jane bought herself an old car,just for running around in. 简给自己买了一辆旧车专门用来兜风。
- He orders a drink and starts running around in the bar again. 他点了一杯酒,又开始在酒吧寻花问柳。
- Put the chairs in circles and we will play games. 把椅子摆放成圈,我们要做游戏。