- The future of the island is bound up with the fortunes of the ruling power. 这个岛的前景与其掌权者的命运息息相关。
- The future of the small country is tied up with the fortunes of the ruling power. 这个小国的前途与其政权的命运相连。
- She criticized any overt display of emotion and attempts at open rebellion against the Ruling Power. 凡是明显的感情流露或者公开反抗执政党的企图,她都批评。
- The problem of the Party's ruling power and ruling authority is a hot research spot. 摘要党的执政权力与执政权威问题一直是执政党建设研究的热点。
- All things come from thence, from that universal ruling power either directly proceeding or by way of sequence. 所有的事物都从那儿来,从宇宙的统治力量中直接产生或者作为后继物出现。
- The founding Emperor of every dynasty would send out a war proclamation after seizing the ruling power of a country. 每个朝代的开国皇帝得了天下后,都要传檄天下。
- And why did the opposition party, after becoming the ruling power in 1994, approve of the electoral reform which was advantageous to the LDP? 既有的反对势力,尤其是当时的在野党为何在成为执政党之后,反而成立了对自民党有利的选举制度呢?
- The deficiency of its construction of ruling power was an important reason of the Soviet Union's disaggregation and CPSU's decease. 苏联解体、苏共亡党,对自身执政能力建设重视不足无疑是一条重要原因。
- Be on the defensive against Hunan with its comparatively strong ruling power,and take the offensive against Kiangsi with its comparatively weak ruling power. 对统治势力比较强大的湖南取守势,对统治势力比较薄弱的江西取攻势。
- Be on the defensive against Hunan with its comparatively strong ruling power, and take the offensive against Kiangsi with its comparatively weak ruling power. 对统治势力比较强大的湖南取守势,对统治势力比较薄弱的江西取攻势;
- The exertion of the ruling power of the Communist Party depends on large amount of effective resources, among which "ideological ruling resource" plays an important role. 摘要党的执政能力的发挥,必须依托大量有效的资源,其中“意识形态执政资源”发挥着无形而又巨大的作用。
- The educational campaign of preserving the party member's advanced character is an inexorable demand of the Party's ideology building and the party's ruling Power building. 保持共产党员先进性教育活动,这是加强党的思想建设和党的执政能力建设的必然要求。
- The legislation has embodied the legal concept of ruling powers with law and restraining power corruption. 立法体现了以法治权,遏制权力腐败的法律理念。
- The transition of Djakarta Indonesia in the old and new order periods and reform period was greatly influenced by the ruling power such as President Sukarno Suharto and their families and groups that were related to president and local officials. 印尼雅加达的都市变迁在旧、新秩序时期和改革时期受到时任总统苏加诺、苏哈托及其家族等统治力量、与总统有联系的集团和地方长官的影响。
- The king was shorn of his power by his nobles. 国王被手下的贵族们剥夺了权力。
- The ruling is applied retrospectively. 该裁定可进行有追溯效力地运用。
- Open tender for purchasing power transformer. 公开招标购买电力运输设备。
- The inquiry give a ruling on the case. 经过调查,已对此案作出裁决。
- James unleashed his power on Susan in revenge. 杰姆斯利用权力报复苏珊。
- The ruling was not fair to everyone. 这项裁决并非对每人都公正。