- rubber wheel of rolling stock 铁道车辆橡校车轮
- Nobody can roll back the wheel of history. 没有人能够倒转历史的车轮。
- The Development Course and Future Program of the Manufacture of Rolling Stock in Russia and the Former U. S. S. R. 俄罗斯及其苏联时期车辆制造业的发展历程及远景规划。
- Shortages of rolling stock make for packed passenger cars, especially during national holidays such as the Spring Festival that starts this weekend. 机车和车辆的缺乏造成客车的极度拥挤,尤其是在节日期间,例如本周末开始的春节。
- The causes to derailment,overturning accidents of rolling stock are analyzed.And the research tendency of rolling stock derailment,overturning safety is mainly described. 分析了铁道车辆脱轨、颠覆事故的原因,着重介绍了车辆脱轨、颠覆安全性的研究动向。
- He fell under the wheels of an automobile. 一辆汽车从他身上碾过。
- In compiling the train diagram for UMT system, it is important to consider the interval time of trains,the circulation of rolling stock and the running route of rolling stock. 在编制城市轨道交通列车运行图时,需要综合考虑不同时间段的发车间隔、车底折返及车底出入库方式等问题。
- I got a flat tire of the rear wheel of my bicycle. 我自行车的后轮车胎没气了。
- Delivery of rolling stock commenced with the first Tung Chung Line train and Airport Express train shipped to Hong Kong in January and September respectively. Test runs proceeded immediately afterwards and progressed well. 随着东涌线及机场快线的第一辆列车于一月及九月分别运抵本港,两条车线的列车已陆续运送来港,试车的工作也随即展开,而且进展顺利。
- No one can hold back the wheel of history. 谁也无法阻止历史车轮的前进。
- The wheel of history keeps rolling on. 历史的车轮不断向前。
- In order to decrease the vertical vibration of rolling stock, the air springs with variable damping oil dampers inside are developed. The variable damping can attenuate effectively vibration. 为降低铁道车辆的垂向振动,开发了内置可变阻尼油压减振器空气弹簧。该变阻尼能有效地衰减振动。
- Nobody could roll back the wheel of history. 没有人能倒转历史的车轮。
- Research of Design Method of Rolling Stock Wheel Strengths 铁道车辆车轮强度设计方法探讨
- The house stands in 500 acres of rolling parkland. 那所房子周围有500英亩起伏不平的草地。
- Furniture castor with rubber wheel, swivel type. 活动式橡胶脚轮。
- A rubber wheel spins the flint and sparks flame. 翻译:一个橡皮轮旋转火轮打出火星。
- Nobody can turn back the wheel of history. 任何人都无法使历史车轮倒转。
- automation of rolling stock inspection and repair 车辆检修自动化
- The wheels of the truck were chocked by the driver. 司机将卡车的车轮用楔子垫好。