- He mounted their engines on a rubber base. 他把他们的发动机装在一个橡胶垫座上。
- Industrial tape composed of PVC film and rubber based psa is suitable for protecting air pipe, water pipe, oil pipe on the ground or underground. 管道标识胶带是以聚氧乙烯(pvc)薄膜为基才,使用橡胶型压敏胶制造而成,适用于风管、水管、输油管等地面及地下管路的防腐保护。
- The bookends are made from metal and have a rubber base to prevent them from sliding. On sale from 2006. 这种书挡用金属制成,有橡胶的底部用于防止滑动。2006年上市。
- Thereafter, apply liquid rubber base (LRB) and thickening activator (TAV) at wall to floor junction, cracks and joints. 新近流行手工敲边地板,它产生的不规则边缘能增强立体感,还原木制历史感,就像顶级皮具需要做旧来表现怀旧,两者异曲同工。
- N-Mastics -A non-skinning polybutene rubber based mastic that remains permanently soft and paste-like. Prevents moisture ingress in cool room panels. 隐蔽缝软胶,一种不凝固聚丁烷填缝剂。具优良防潮、防菌、防渗透、无毒素等特点。是专为冷冻房、冷藏柜间的隐蔽缝而设的胶种。
- The room-temperature vulcanized silicone rubber based high-temperature coating material was prepared with polydimethylsiloxane as feedstock. 以聚二甲基硅氧烷为基体制备了一种耐高温涂层材料。
- SJK1500 is a one-part, thixotropic, polyurethane based adhesive and sealant. SJK1500是一种单组份聚氨酯胶粘接密封胶,触变型。
- Using butyl rubber as the base material,tackifier and some auxiliary additives,the butyl rubber based hot-melt adhesive was prepared for favorable adhesiveness with PP,PC and metals. 以丁基橡胶为主体材料,加入增粘剂及其它助剂,研制了一种对PP、PC等非金属材料及金属材料皆有很好粘接性能的热熔胶。
- By process of foaming before sulfuration together with reasonable process,it is possible to work out qualified foam rubber base cloth for fillet clothing on domestic drum sulfuration machine. 采取"先发泡后硫化"的发泡工艺,通过合理的工艺配置,在国产鼓式硫化机上可制造出合格的适于梳毛弹性针布用的泡沫橡胶底布。
- By process of foaming before sulfuration together with reasonable process, it is possible to work out qualified foam rubber base cloth for fillet clothing on domestic drum sulfuration machine. 采取“先发泡后硫化”的发泡工艺,通过合理的工艺配置,在国产鼓式硫化机上可制造出合格的适于梳毛弹性针布用的泡沫橡胶底布。
- Material Purpose or Function: Henkel Thomsit L240D is Acylate Emulsion based adhesive. 汉高 妥善 L240D亚麻地板粘合剂是丙烯酸酯基乳胶。
- We have traditional solvent based adhesive knowledge such as polychloroprene, acrylonitrile rubbers, polyurethanes. 我们的粘结剂技术包括传统的溶剂型粘结剂和水性粘结剂。
- Quick stick quality and strong adhesion, it is acrylic base adhesive ideal for metal, nameplate, cloth and plastic surfaces. 压克力系胶,初期黏著力、接著力佳,适用于金属、布料、塑胶薄片等黏接。
- Skeleton materials used for rubber based composites 橡胶基复合材料用骨架材料的分析
- Polyvinylformal based adhesive for fireworks is introduced. It have advantages of simple technology. high bond strength.good initial tack.thermal stability and freeze resistance. 介绍了一种以聚乙烯醇缩甲醛为主体的烟花胶。它的制造工艺简单,采用此法制造的烟花胶粘接强度高,初粘性、热稳定性、耐冻性能好。
- Even the best quality rubber will perish with age. 就是最佳质量的橡胶也会因老化而腐烂。
- Characteristic:Double Side Tissue Tape is coated on both sides with hot melt based and water based adhesive ,siliconized paper line.With strong adhesion,easy-tear,and convenient. 特点: 双面棉纸胶带是以皱纹纸为基材,涂以橡胶压敏胶溶剂或者热熔胶剂制成,去除容易。
- Rubber has more resilience than wood. 橡胶有比木头更大的弹性。
- Rubber boots are impervious to water. 橡胶鞋是防水的。
- I have not a good hand the whole rubber. 整个一盘牌中我就没有拿到过一手好牌。