- royal tomb of Qing dynasty 清代皇家陵寝
- Eastern and Western Tombs of Qing dynasty 清东陵和西陵
- Reparation Regulation of Qing Tombs Engineering: One Case of YU-Ling-En of Eastern Tombs of Qing Dynasty 陵寝工程中的赔修制:以清东陵裕陵隆恩殿为例
- Those are the records of Qing Dynasty in the Palace Museum. 那是故宫博物院中清朝的史料。
- This is the afterimage of Qing dynasty reflected in my mirror. 这就是我的心镜中照出的清代残影。
- In Yuanminyuan Park, the most important royal garden of Qing Dynasty, some scenes were old out by imitating the fairyland in myths according to the tradition from Qin and Han Dynasty. 摘要清代离宫圆明园中有一些景致直接以传说中的神仙境界为主题,手法各异,延续了秦汉以来皇家园林造景的重要传统,表现出丰富而独特的景观效果,同时也是清代帝王向往仙境、希求长生心理的深刻反映。
- Presumably of foot-binding consuetudinary it is at the beginning of Qing Dynasty not popular, of quiet day royal the world that is Mongolia and Manchu, general emperor is Manchu, empress is Mongolia. 想来裹脚的习俗在清初并不流行,清朝的皇家是蒙古和满族人的天下,一般皇帝是满族人,皇后就是蒙古人。
- The bottom marks Qianlong Year of Qing Dynasty in seal character stamp. 此件红釉双耳尊,体积较大且品相较好,实为不可多得的收藏佳器。
- Royal Tribute Picture of Qing Dynasty 皇清职贡图
- We visited the tomb of Shakespeare. 我们参观了莎士比亚的墓。
- Bahai, a patriotic general, was the first general of Ning Guta area of Qing Dynasty. 巴海为第一任宁古塔将军,清代任将军者76人次驻守此地。
- GuiFu was an outstanding linguist of Chinese history .He was one of the four famous experts in ShuoWen of Qing dynasty. 桂馥是中国古代著名的语言学家,清代“说文四大家”之一。
- Our school locates in downtown of Beijing city.Originally this location is residence for Rui Infante of Qing Dynasty. 北京市第二十四中学坐落于北京市中心,原为清代睿亲王府,位置优越,交通便利。
- "We are speaking about an archaeological object of the utmost historical and aesthetical importance, one of the most important ornaments of the ancient Peruvian cultures," said Walter Alva, director of the Royal Tombs of Sipan Museum in Peru. 秘鲁西潘皇家陵墓博物馆负责人沃尔特·阿尔巴说:“我们目前所谈论的这件出土文物在历史和美学方面的价值重大,它是古代秘鲁文化中最为重要的装饰物之一。”
- There are counterwork and cooperation between the superstratum esquire and the local governments of Qing dynasty. 巨绅与地方官合作表现为:巨绅为官员推荐绅士办团练、筹备资金、训练团勇、协助守城等等;
- A group of student placed a wreath at the tomb of the national hero. 一群学生在那位民族英雄墓前献上花圈。
- "In A.D. 1735, Emperor Qianlong ascended the throne in the most properous period of Qing Dynasty. "公元1735年,大清帝国达到鼎盛时期的乾隆皇帝登基即位了。
- Weixi, a famous essayist of Qing Dynasty, his prose achievements have been finalized. 清初著名散文家魏禧在散文创作方面的成就前人已有定论。
- On every page, there portrayed one Arhat among the eighteen Arhats, and subtitiled by Emperor Gaozong of Qing dynasty. 各画十八罗汉中的一位罗汉,每页均有清高宗弘历对题。
- At the end of Qing Dynasty,the social opinion had great effect on the abolishment of the imperial examination system. 清末科举制度废除前,社会舆论摇旗呐喊,从而为科举制度的废除营造声势。