- Put a note in a romance novel saying, "The story is great but our own love story is the best". 在浪漫爱情书籍上写上“这个爱情故事真棒,但我们的爱情才是最好的”
- She loved soap operas, romance novels and movies with a good love story. 她酷爱肥皂剧、浪漫小说和讲述美好爱情故事的电影。
- She loved soap operas, romance novels and movies with a good love story. 她酷爱肥皂剧、浪漫小说和讲述美好爱情故事的电影。
- The new book is entitled Love Story. 这本新书名叫《爱情故事》。
- The review of the latest romance novel was a total puff piece. 那篇对近期出版的浪漫传奇小说的评论纯系吹捧之作。
- Samantha : Let’s hear what the worldwide love affair with the romance novel is about, in Dateline USA. 比尔 :但并不是每个人都认为这种大逃避很好。评论家们说有些读者对这种书形成了一种病态的沉迷。
- Their love story sounds like a fairy tale. 他们的爱情故事听起来像童话。
- Samantha : Let’s hear what the worldwide love affair with the romance novel is about, in Dateline USA.EJ : Hello, and welcome to Dateline USA! 所以,在我看来,浪漫爱情小说如此受欢迎,是因为我们喜欢浪漫,我们有浪漫的电影,浪漫的书籍,浪漫的电视节目;
- The love story of the film star was splashed over the front page. 这位电影明星的爱情故事登在第一版显著的位置上。
- He entitled the book "Love Story". 他把书取名为《爱的故事》。
- This novel tells us a love story in typical narration. 这部小说以顺叙的方式讲了一个爱情故事。
- When it rains on the weekend I feel glum, so I go to bed and read a romance novel. 周末下雨的时候我就会很沮丧,只好躺在床上读浪漫小说。
- The romance novel industry churns out thousands of books a year in America and other countries. 浪漫小说产业在美国和其它国家每年都会产出成千上万册的书。
- I think it is a love story or something like that. 我认为这是个爱情故事或是这一类的故事。
- The sensitive and caring Crab will enjoy cozying up at home with a good tear-jerking romance novel, or a bookthat evokes warm childhood memories. 敏感且极富同情心的巨蟹座喜欢舒舒适服地在家里读一本感人泪下的爱情小说或是一本能让他们回忆起暖和的童年时光的书。
- The sensitive and caring Crab will enjoy cozying up at home with a good tear-jerking romance novel, or a bookthat evokes warm childhood memories. 敏感且极富同情心的巨蟹座喜欢舒舒服服地在家里读一本感人泪下的爱情小说或是一本能让他们回忆起温暖的童年时光的书。
- The film is a love story, with routine portrait of a conductor and a violinist. 那部电影是一个爱情故事,对於乐队指挥和小提琴手之间的爱情描写都是老一套。
- She traveled on a diet of romance novels and cigarettes. 她旅行时喜欢把香烟和爱情小说当作精神食粮。
- There is a new demo of modern love story. 现代爱情故事有了全新的演绎版。
- CANCER (June 22-July 22) The sensitive and caring Crab will enjoy cozying up at home with a good tear-jerking romance novel, or a bookthat evokes warm childhood memories. 敏感且极富同情心的巨蟹座喜欢舒舒服服地在家里读一本感人泪下的爱情小说或是一本能让他们回忆起温暖的童年时光的书。