- rock tunnel machine 隧道掘进机
- rock tunnelling machine 隧道掘进机
- As support and liner against cross section rock, spraying-concrete has enormous influence on the tunneling progress and the safety of the TBM tunnel's tunneling machine. 作为隧洞断面岩石支撑和衬砌的重要手段之一的喷射混凝土支护对TBM隧洞掘进机掘进进度和安全影响极大。
- The polypropylene fibre concrete is the new kind of concrete flexible shotcrete layer forms in the soft rock tunnel sup-porting engineering. 摘要聚丙烯纤维混凝土柔性喷层是软岩巷道支护中一种新型的喷层形式。
- full face rock tunnel boring machine 全断面岩石掘进机
- Journeys may be diverted via Tai Chung Kiu Road,Che Kung Miu Rd, Hung Mui Kuk Rd &Lion Rock Tunnel Rd non-stop depending on traffic condition. 巴士路线可能因应交通情况而改经大涌桥路、车公庙路、红梅谷路、及狮子山隧道公路,中途不停站。
- Journeys may be diverted via Lion Rock Tunnel Road, Che Kung Miu Road, and Hung Mui Kuk Road non-stop depending on traffic condition. 因应交通情况,此路线可能改经狮子山隧道、车公庙路及红梅谷路,中途不停站。
- The living example show that the technology of deeper fragmenting surrounding rock tunnel repairing by bolting and shotcrete lining is very effective. 通过工程实例证明,锚喷支护技术是一种有效的修复深部破碎围岩巷道的支护技术。
- full face rock tunnel boring machine(TBM) 隧道掘进机
- full-face hard rock tunnel boring machine ( TBM ) 全断面岩石掘进机
- In order to gurrantee serialization arrangement is very significant to do well the semi-coal rock tunnel orient, and provide several kinds of orient methods. 为保证采连续化布置,搞好半煤岩巷道定向是十分重要的,并提出了几种定向方法。
- Journeys may be diverted via Tai Po Rd, Lion Rock Tunnel Road, Che Kung Miu Rd, Hung Mui Kuk Rd &Lion Rock Tunnel Rd non-stop depending on traffic condition. 巴士路线可能因应交通情况而改经大埔道、蝴蝶谷道、长沙湾道、通州西街及青山公路,中途不停站。
- There are mainly two kinds of roadheader: Tunnelling Boom Machine(TBM) and partial-size tunneling machine. 掘进机按照对于巷道断面的作用方式可划分为两种:全断面掘进机和部分断面掘进机。
- The Lion Rock Tunnel,linking Kowloon and Sha Tin,began single-tube operation in 1967,with a second tube added in 1978. The 1.4-kilometre tunnel is the most heavily used government tunnel,with 95000 vehicle trips daily. The toll was $6. 狮子山隧道连接九龙与沙田,全长1.;4公里,每程收费六元。该隧道在一九六七年启用时只是单管行车,后来于一九七八年建成第二条管道。该隧道平均每日行车量达95000架次,是使用量最高的政府隧道。
- The Lion Rock Tunnel,linking Kowloon and Sha Tin,began single-tube operation in 1967,with a second tube added in 1978. The 1.4-kilometretunnel is the most heavily used government tunnel,with 97 000 vehicles daily. The toll was $6 in 1997. 狮子山隧道全长1.;4公里,连接九龙与沙田,在一九六七年启用时只是单管行车,其后于一九七八年建成第二条管道。年内每日行车量97000架次,是最多车辆使用的政府隧道,每程收费6元。
- When the tunneling machine works, the roof-bolter is shrunken for folding, and special dimension of the roof-bolter is lowered in great extend. 掘进机工作时,锚杆机收缩折叠,最大程度地降低锚杆机的空间尺寸。
- Route 9 (section between Cheung Sha Wan and Sha Tin) will be a new 5.6-kilometre highway running from Sha Tin to West Kowloon. It will significantly alleviate traffic congestion at the Lion Rock Tunnel,Tate's Cairn Tunnel and Tai Po Road. 九号干线长沙湾至沙田段全长5.;6公里,预计建成后可大大纾缓狮子山隧道、大老山隧道及大埔道的交通挤塞情况。
- Route 9 (section between Cheung Sha Wan and Sha Tin) will be a new 5.6-kilometre highway running from Sha Tin to West Kowloon. It will significantly alleviate traffic congestion at the Lion Rock Tunnel, Tate's Cairn Tunnel and Tai Po Road. 九号干线长沙湾至沙田段全长5.;6公里,预计建成后可大大纾缓狮子山隧道、大老山隧道及大埔道的交通挤塞情况。
- Introduces improving methods of first transporter speed reducer system in MRH-S100-41 type tunneling machine,analyses the function,use,advantage and effect after improving. 介绍了MRH-S100-41型掘进机第一运输机减速器系统的改造方法,论述改造后减速系统的功用、优点,以及推广应用效果
- Jilin Jiangshan Heavy Industry Group Co., Ltd. is specialized in the production of shearer, scraper conveyor, hydraulic supporter, tunneling machine and large excavators. 简介:吉林省江山重工集团有限公司是我国专业生产采煤机、刮板输送机、液压支架、掘进机、挖掘机的大型重工企业。