- A. blacked out and police control system was out of work, mob flock in force, they killing, robbing and setting fire on streets.The society went into mess immediately. 直到有一天,洛杉矶忽然大停电,导致警方的控制系统失灵,结果就有大批暴民集体地涌上街头,杀人放火,抢劫商店,社会秩序一时为之大乱。
- Later that day, Justin is at Rob and Marie's house. (当天稍后,贾斯汀在罗勃和玛丽的家里。
- Rob and Tim are going to go meet some babes. 罗布和蒂姆要去和一些小女孩约会。
- Once time, Rob and I played game in the backyard. 有一次,我和罗布在后院玩,他摔倒了,膝盖也擦伤了。
- The area happened some occasions of rob and steel. 这一地区发生了几起盗窃抢劫案件。
- The protesters and police stood eyeball to eyeball. 抗议者与警察剑拔弩张。
- South Korean,PLEASE don't become a shameful robber and liar!!! 韩国,请不要成为一个可耻的强盗和骗子!
- Obey all road signs and police officers. 遵守所有的路标和交通警察的指挥;
- Soldiers and police have been put on alert. 军队和警察已经处于戒备状态。
- Army and police forces are the state machinery. 军队和警察是国家机器。
- I don't understand why Rob and Kristen gave me the cold shoulder. 我不明白罗伯和克莉斯汀为何对我冷淡。
- So the council and police have switched tack. 因此委员会和警署开始调整战略。
- Idiocracy 蠢蛋进化论(电影名)
- Tell it to the Beadle and police, as well! 告诉毕多和警察,快点儿!
- Please call an ambulance and police car immediately. 请立刻召唤一辆救护车及警车。
- There were minor face-offs between demonstrators and police. 示威者与警方发生了小冲突。
- Tells me that, go get Medical examination and Police Certifcate. 告诉我,让我去体检和拿犯罪记录。
- They didn't want them to join in straightway to rob and kill the Jews. 不让他们立即参加抢劫和杀害犹太人。
- Fire and police departments were mobilized immediately. 消防和警察部门立即动员起来。
- Then your poverty will come as a robber And your want like an armed man. 你的贫穷,就必如强盗速来,你的缺乏,彷佛拿兵器的人来到。