- road safety perception 道路安全感
- It's very important to teach the children about road safety. 把交通安全常识教给孩子们是非常重要的。
- You must teach the children about road safety. 你必须教育孩子懂得交通安全。
- The object is to educate people about road safety. 目的就是教育人们注意交通安全。
- There is going to be a campaign for road safety next month. 下个月要开展一次交通安全活动。
- It is very important to teach the children about road safety. 把交通安全常识教给孩子们是非常重要的。
- Greater effort is needed to instruct children in road safety. 需要更大的努力来教导孩子们的道路安全意识。
- Are you satisfied with the existing road safety condition of Nathan Road? 您对现有的弥敦道交通安全情况感到满意吗?
- Thirdly, a road safety culture must be nurtured and take roots here. 第三、我们必须培养公路安全意识,让这个观念在社会扎根。
- Road safety checkers, at intersections and other potential dangerous locations. 道路安全员,把守路口和其他具有现在危险的地方。
- They learned many road safety tips. And they also passed a test on these tips. 过马路也有很多知识吗?
- The ADR offers driving courses, road safety seminars, and hosts private events. ADR提供驾驶课程,道路安全研讨会并举办个人活动。
- The verdict from research into the impact of marijuana on road safety skills is less clear. 关于大麻影响公路安全技能的研究尚未达成较明确的结论。
- First and foremost, road safety consciousness is generally not firmly ingrained in Singaporeans. 一个基本的问题是,国人并没有根深蒂固的公路安全意识。
- Road safety campaigns continue to play an important role in reducing traffic accidents. 在减少交通意外方面,道路交通安全运动继续发挥重要作用。
- The updated accident database provides a basis for traffic accident analysis and road safety strategy formulation. 有关资料会定期更新,用作分析交通意外和制定道路安全策略的基础。
- The programmes include appeals for information on undetected crimes, advice on road safety and updates of crime trends. 节目内容包括呼吁市民提供资料协助破案、宣传道路安全知识和公布罪案趋势的最新变化。
- To use a time-honored cliche, let's together make road safety the responsibility of everyone in Singapore! 最后,我们应该提醒自己,"公路安全,人人有责",这虽然是老生常谈,却有它的积极意义。
- It will be many years before these changes bring results but when they do, there will be a titanic improvement in road safety. 当然这还需要许多年的时间才能变成现实,但是一旦成为现实,道路的安全将会得到巨大的改善。
- From the angle of driver-vehicle-road (environment) system, nonlinear rules of driving safety perceptional relations with properties of curve-ramps were discussed. 摘要基于人-车-路(环境)系统的观点,论述了驾驶员安全认知推理与弯坡组合路段特征因素间的非线性作用规律。