- John poured the ditty water down the pipe. 约翰把脏水倒进了排水道。
- He quavered forth a quaint old ditty. 他用颤抖的嗓音哼了一首稀奇古怪的古老小调。
- Sanqu earned by sweating, also ditty success. 所作散曲淋漓酣畅,小曲也有成就。
- The ditty's silly but accurate: scat study truly is scientific. 这支小曲听来幼稚,却不失准确:粪便研究确实很科学。
- The beggar sits on the side of the road singing ditty for money . 那个乞丐坐在路边唱着小曲讨钱。
- The beggar sits on the side of the road singing ditty for money. 那个乞丐坐在路边唱着小曲讨钱。
- The beggar sit on the side of the road singing ditty for money. 那个乞丐坐在路边唱着小曲讨钱。
- She oncentrated on tossing a few last possessions into a ditty bag. 她把最后的几件个人物品塞进一个小袋子里。
- And this ditty, after me, Sing and dance it trippingly. 随我唱一支曲调,一齐轻轻地舞蹈。
- Used to tune folk songs, ditty, singing mainly in small places. 所用曲调以民歌、小曲、地方小唱腔为主。
- He'd always say, “Some people grow orchids, but I grow Ditty Bops. 他总是说:“有人培养兰花,不过我培养DittyBops。”
- Mr. Wang Yubao is a well-known Tianjin Ditty singer. 王毓宝先生是著名的天津时调表演艺术家。
- We all like her ditty. 我们都喜欢她的小曲。
- "Feng Yu Gui Zhou"(a boat coming home in a storm) is a popular monochord ditty. 《风雨归舟》是一首脍炙人口的单弦岔曲儿。
- She concentrated on tossing a few last possessions into a ditty bag. 她专心地把最后的几件个人物品塞进一个小袋子里。
- Talk about tired, silent for a while, so that a ditty on the cricket bombs. 讲累了,沉默一会儿,让蟋蟀弹上一支小曲。
- Laoliang is playing Song word Ming song and Qing ditty with in a simple way! 老梁这是在用通俗手法演绎宋词明曲清小调啊!
- Only this time, it didn't seem like the jolly foot-tapping Cossack ditty it has always seemed before. 但这次,这音乐听上去并不太像它一直给人们传递的形象:一个快乐地跳俄罗斯传统舞蹈的哥萨克人。
- In the meantime, the style that uses New Year picture and custom picture was adopted on arena art, in musically bold use balladry is mixed ditty. 同时,在舞台美术上采取了借用年画和风俗画的风格,在音乐上大胆使用民谣和小曲。
- Caster: Can there be flavorring utensils how on table? Canister of little ditty flavour, to insipid added condiments. 调味瓶:餐桌上怎能没有调味的家什?小小调味罐,给平淡添加了作料。