- He awoke to the ringing of an electric bell. 他随著一阵电铃的响声醒来。
- His voice carries the ring of authority. 他的声音中带有权威的口气。
- His remarks had a ring of sincerity. 他的话语气真诚。
- There was a ring of laughter in the corridor. 走廊里传来响亮的笑声。
- Her latest stunt is riding a motor cycle through a ring of flames. 她的最新特技表演是骑摩托车钻火圈。
- Study and application of pulse t. 脉冲定时给药系统的研究与应用。
- How about the child in the usage of pulse feeling? 脉诊在儿童中的应用如何?
- He awoke to the ringing of the electric bell. 电铃响时,他醒了过来。
- A persistent ringing of the telephone. 响个不停的电话铃声
- Do you hear the continual ringing of the doorbell? 你可听见门铃响了又响吗?
- I was roused by the ringing of a bell. 铃声把我惊醒。
- Dinner was announced by the ringing of the bell. 敲钟通知进膳。
- She awoke to the ringing of an electric bell. 她在电铃声中醒来。
- Design and Analysis of Pulse Transformer in Forward Converter. 单端正激式脉冲变压器的分析与设计。
- Novel method for maximum range measure of pulse laser range finder. 脉冲激光测距机最大测程测试方法研究。
- The crowd panicked at the ringing of the siren. 听到警报器响,人群惊慌失措。
- Nap time ended with the ringing of the bell. 小睡时间最后被铃声打断。
- A single pulse in a group of pulses. 一组脉冲中的一个单脉冲。
- There is a ring of scum in the washbasin. 这个脸盆内有一圈污垢。
- His voice had the ring of exasperation. 他的声音带有着恼怒。