- His comment really hit the nail on the head. 他的批评真是一针见血。
- Ted's comment really hit the nail on the head. 特德的批评真是一针见血。
- You hit the nail on the head with that deion. 你的描述真是一针见血。
- You hit the nail on the head with that description. 你的叙述真是一针见血。
- This time you really hit the nail on the head. 这回你可说着了。
- You hit the nail on the head about him: he is a con artist. 你对他的批评是一针见血:他是一个骗人专家。
- The president's talk on race relations hit the (right) nail on the head. 总统有关种族的关系的谈话十分中肯。
- Every work he said hit the nail on the head. 他说的真是头头是道。
- You analysis really hit the nail on the head. 他的分析确实一针见血。
- You've hit the nail on the head. 你说到点子上了[抓住了要害问题]。
- Every word he said hit the nail on the head. 他说的话句句都很中肯。
- hit the right nail on the head v. 击中要害
- The mayor's talk on race relations hit the nail on the head. 市长谈论种族的关系时语言中肯。
- The last observation of yours has hit the nail on the head. 你最后的意见真是一针见血。
- His comments has pretty much hit the nail on the head. 他的评价说得很中肯。
- "You hit the nail on the head," said Meggie, in no mood to be comforted. “你击中了要害,”麦琪说,情绪却没有得到抚慰。
- You hit the nail on the head when you said I was unhappy with my job. 你说我不满意自己的工作,你真是一语道破。
- It is a very complicated problem but your suggestion hits the nail on the head. 这是很复杂的问题,但你的提议正切中问题要点。
- "You hit the nail on the head," said Maggie, in no mood to be comforted. “你击中了要害,”麦琪说,情绪却没有得到抚慰。
- Both hit the nail on the head, and will serve as the definition in this report. 这些定义都恰如其分,在我们的这份报告中也将沿用他们的定义。