- right inferior gastric artery 胃右下动脉, 胃网膜右动脉
- gastric artery, right inferior 胃右下动脉, 胃网膜右动脉
- left inferior gastric artery 胃左下动脉, 胃网膜左动脉
- Seen here are remote contusions, mainly of the right inferior frontal lobe. The crests of the gyri are most susceptible to the traumatic forces. 图示旧挫伤主要存在于额叶右下部。脑回顶部容易受到创伤外力的打击。
- Methods Transcat heter chemoinfusion of left gastric artery was successfully performed in 37 cases with late cardial carcinoma. 方法:对37例晚期贲门癌患者进行胃左动脉内插管灌注化疗药物。
- Objective To investigate value of ultrasound in detecting normal left gastric artery (LGA) and blood dynamic features of LGA. 目的探讨超声检测正常人胃左动脉(LGA)的方法及LGA血流动力学特征。
- Results The typical sonographic appearances were the presence of multiple enlarged as oval hypoechoic nodules with different size in the right inferior abdomen. 结果小儿急性肠系膜淋巴结炎典型的声像图特征是右侧中下腹部见数枚大小不等椭圆形低回声结节。
- Objective: To explore the significance of left gastric artery lymphadenectomy in the operation of thoracic esophageal carcinoma. 摘要目的:通过分析胸段食管癌胃左动脉旁淋巴结转移与相关病理因素的关系,探讨胃左动脉旁淋巴结清扫的意义。
- Conclusion Chemoinfusion of selectivity left gastric artery os valuable for treating late cardial carcinoma and can be used in syntheti... 结论:选择性胃左动脉内灌注化疗药对治疗晚期贲门癌的疗效确切,可在晚期贲门癌的综合治疗中选用。
- Method Sixteen patients with AGML and bleeding were treeted with ligating the left and right gastric arteries and the left and right gastroepiploic arteries. 方法对16例经内科治疗无效的急性胃粘膜病变大出血者结扎胃左右动脉和胃网膜左右动脉。
- The splenic artery supplies the area of the fundus by way of the short gastric arteries. 脾幼脉通过胃短幼脉供应胃底部。
- In 18 cases with cancer of 8cm and bigger in diameter,4 lymph node involvement (22%)around left pulmonary vein, 18 nodal involvement( 100%) at left gastric artery, 16(88%)at trachea carina and 1 at left pulmonary artery were found. 8cm以上病例18例;其中左下肺静脉淋巴结4例(22%25)有转移;胃左淋巴结18例(100%25)有转移;气管隆突淋巴结16例(88%25)有转移.;左肺动脉淋巴结1例(5
- carbuncle on right inferior gluteal line 下马痈
- Lesions were removed through left thoracotomy and residual stomach was fully mobilized, with short gastric artery being reserved, spleen and pancreatic tail were dissected from the back of peritoneum and transposed into thorax. 方法10例既往接受过胃大部切除术的食管癌患者,经左胸切口切除病变,保留胃短动脉,充分游离残胃,将脾脏和胰腺体尾部自后腹膜解剖后置入胸腔,行主动脉弓上或弓下食管残胃端侧吻合术。
- Right inferior parathyroid gland 右下甲状旁腺
- Objectives:Investigating surficial arteries of gastry to rich gastric artery data. 目的:为胃表面动脉提供详实的解剖学资料,丰富胃动脉的解剖学资料。
- Methods In group A, the donor s splenic vein and splenic artery were interruptedly anastomosed end to end to the recipient s left gastric vein and left gastric artery, respectively. 方法术式一:供体脾静脉和脾动脉分别与受体的胃左静脉和胃左动脉行间断吻合。术式二:供体门静脉与受体的肠系膜上静脉行端侧连续吻合,供体腹腔干动脉与受体右肾动脉行间断吻合。
- Gastropancreatic fold and hepatopancreatic fold formed by capsula pancreas can be marked to locate the root of left gastric artery and common hepatic artery in laparoscopic vision. 胰腺前筋膜形成的胃胰襞和肝胰襞是镜下确定胃左血管根部和肝总动脉的解剖标志;
- Her clothes are always right up to the minute. 她的衣服总是式样最新的。
- Demonstration of the right inferior phrenic artery by using multislice helical CT 右膈下动脉的多层螺旋CT表现