- We're not rich but we're fairly comfortable. 我们并不富有,但生活还较宽裕。
- He may be rich but he is not refined. 他或许是富有,但是不高雅。
- He might be rich but he was not refined. 他或许富有,但庸俗。
- In our days none but immoral or silly people can live without principle. 在我们这个时代里只有不道德的或是没有头脑的人才能够不要原则地过日子。
- The beggar begged from the rich but they refused. 那个乞丐向富人们乞讨, 但遭到了拒绝。
- He started rich but ended up in prison. 他以富有开始,但以入狱收场。
- Beijing food is rich but not greasy. 北京菜油重但不觉得油腻。
- He's got more money than taste, ie is rich but unrefined. 他有钱却无修养.
- He wanted to be rich but it was an impossible dream. 他想发财,然而这只是不可能实现的梦想。
- He's rich but he donates a lot of his money to charity. 他很有钱,而且还捐献了很多钱给慈善事业。
- It is a Burgundy with a rich but delicate body which is not too dry. 那是一种浓郁而美味的布根地酒,也不致太没有甜味。
- JY N:We are not rich but money is moreimportant to the children inWen Chuan. 娇、优、牛一起再复述这句话:虽然我们家里不富有,但是灾区的孩子更需要钱。
- Mummy said we were not rich but money is moreto the children in Wen Chuan. 静:我妈妈说,虽然我们家里不富有,但是灾区的孩子更需要钱。
- His new gig turns on the disappearance of one of a pair of twins, adult scions of a rich but tragedy-prone family. 他的新活儿是一对孪生子当中一名的失踪案,他们是一个富有但具有悲剧倾向的家族的成年子嗣。
- Romolas deep calm happiness encompassed Tito like the rich but quiet evening light which dissipates all unrest. 罗摩拉斯的深刻而宁静的幸福包围着蒂托,犹如黄昏那无尽而安详的阳光,能够消除一切的不安。
- To be poor but happy is better than to be rich but miserable. But it's also good to be rich AND happy. 贫穷但是快乐比富裕但是忧郁好。然而富裕并且快乐当然也不赖。真的是这样。
- Romolas's deep calm happiness encompassed Tito like the rich but quiet evening light which dissipates all unrest. 罗摩拉斯的深刻而宁静的幸福包围着蒂托,犹如黄昏那无尽而安详的阳光,能够消除一切不安。
- Those who are rich but lose health are no more fortunate than those who are poor. 那些富有但却失去健康得人并不比穷人更幸运。
- However, in the rich but dangerous trades into the Mediterranean and the West Indies, more costly ships were required. 而地中海与西印度群岛地区赚头大而凶险高的贸易则需要造价昂贵的轮船。
- We should practice economy even if we are rich. 即使我们富裕了也仍应该厉行节约。