- Karl Marx left behind him a great revolutionary theory for us. 卡尔·马克思给我们留下了一个伟大的革命理论。
- Without a revolutionary theory there can be no revolutionary movement. 没有革命的理论,就不会有革命的行动。
- And he rightly adds that "practice gropes in the dark if its path is not illumined by revolutionary theory". 当然又是他的话对:“实践若不以革命理论为指南,就会变成盲目的实践。”
- Discipline theory is the academic basis of Redology which is a revolutionary theory with international influences. 摘要作为一门具有国际影响的当代“显学”,红学之学科理论,是这门学科存在的学理依据。
- The working class still immature, without the leadership of a political party armed with correct revolutionary theory. 当时的工人阶级还未成熟,没有正确的革命理论(非法词语,系统屏蔽)的政党领导。
- He went beyond the assumptions of the time and contrived a revolutionary theory. 他超越了当时的想象,创造出一个革命性理论。
- In ancient times the youth of China who studied under a sage neither learned revolutionary theory nor took part in labour. 中国古代在圣人那里读书的青年们,不但没有学过革命的理论,而且不实行劳动。
- Today,there is little revolutionary theory taught and there are no such things as production movements in the schools over vast regions of our country. 现在全国广大地方的学校,革命理论不多,生产运动也不讲。
- "Without revolutionary theory there can be no revolutionary movement";one can thus see how important the cultural movement is for the practical revolutionary movement. “没有革命的理论,就不会有革命的运动”,可见革命的文化运动对于革命的实践运动具有何等的重要性。
- A century ago, Freud formulated his revolutionary theory that dreams were the disguised shadows of our unconscious desires and rears. 一个世纪前,弗洛伊德阐述了革命性的理论,即梦是人们潜意识中欲望和恐惧经伪装后的预示;
- The interaction between the traditional theory and the revolutionary theory has led to the substantial orientation of contemporary PIL. 当代国际私法的实体取向是传统方法与革命理论的合成。关键词:国际私法;危机;
- A century ago, Freud formulated his revolutionary theory that dreams were the disguised shadows of our unconscious desires and rears, by the late 1970s. 一个世纪前,弗洛伊德完成了其革命性的理论,认为梦掩饰我们潜意识中的欲望和恐惧;
- Florence set forth the then revolutionary theory that simply by improving the constructionphysical maintenance, hospital deaths could be greatly reduced. 弗洛伦斯提出了在当时是颇为革命的理论即只要改进并能维护医院设施,医院的死亡率就会大幅降低。
- No political party can possibly lead a great revolutionary movement to victory unless it possesses revolutionary theory and a knowledge of history and has a profound grasp of the practical movement. 指导一个伟大的革命运动的政党,如果没有革命理论,没有历史知识,没有对于实际运动的深刻的了解,要取得胜利是不可能的。
- Shields has published a number of technical works, including a revolutionary theory of water wave dynamics he developed as a graduate student (Journal of Fluid Mechanics, July, 1986). Shields先生发表了大量技术著作,包括他攻读研究生时发表的革命性理论《水纹动力学》(《流体力学杂志》,1986年7月)。
- The show will introduce a revolutionary theory on planetary nebulae evolution proposed by a Chinese astronomer Professor Kwok Sun. This theory has become a standard model nowadays. 节目并会介绍华裔天文学家郭新教授所提出的行星状星云演化理论,这理论已被广为接受。
- Stalin has well said, "Theory becomes purposeless if it is not connected with revolutionary practice, just as practice gropes in the dark if its path is not illumined by revolutionary theory. 斯大林说得好:“理论若不和革命实践联系起来,就会变成无对象的理论,同样,实践若不以革命理论为指南,就会变成盲目的实践。”
- Arif Dirlik,"The Predicament of Marxist Revolutionary Consciousnesa:Man Zedong,Antonio Gramsci,and the Reformstion of Marxist Revolutionary Theory",Modem China,Vol.9.No.2.(Apr.,1983). 魏斐德.;历史与意志:毛泽东思想的哲学透视[M]
- thirst for(e.g. revolutionary theory);Seek eagerly 如饥似渴
- karl Marx left behind him a great revolutionary theory for us 卡尔?马克思给我们留下了一个伟大的革命理论。