- The reverse of the coin was stamped with an eagle. 硬币的反面压印的是一只鹰。
- Sometimes such reversal of polarity will lead to the desire to see another succeed in which one gives their creative flow and dream to another, thereby failing oneself. 有时候,这类极性的颠倒将导致渴望别人的成功,从中你将自己的创造性能量流和梦想给予他人而让自己失败。
- They did the reverse of what the teacher told them to do. 他们做的与老师的要求相反。
- Exocytosis is the reverse of endocytosis. 出胞作用是内容作用的逆转。
- The reverse of the coin is stamped with an eagle. 硬币的反面压印的是一只鹰。
- Have you heard of Polar Bear Clubs? 你听说过北极熊俱乐部吗?
- Telophase is roughly the reverse of prophase. 末期大致是早期的逆向。
- With others the reverse of this happens. 其他各人遭遇完全相反。
- This problem is the reverse of the previous one. 这个问题和上一个问题相反。
- His name is on the reverse of the medal. 勋章的背面刻着他的姓名。
- His answer is the reverse of my expectation. 他的答案正好与我希望的相反。
- His answer was just the reverse of what I expected. 他的回答正好与我期望的相反。
- This rule is just the reverse of Rule 2. 这条规则正好与规则2相反。
- His remarks were the reverse of complimentary. 他所说的话与恭维话恰恰相反。
- The reverse of this pendent is in gold leaf. 隼的头上各戴着代表上、下埃及双冠。
- Treatment of Polarity Reversal of Rotor Magnetic Poles for Hydraulic Generators 水轮发电机转子磁极极性错位的处理
- What he said turned out to be the very reverse of the truth. 结果发现他所说的与事实完全相反。
- It is because he has not seen the reverse of the medal, that he supports the proposal strongly. 由于他没有看到问题的另一面,他极力支持这项建议。
- The Eskimos eat the flesh of polar bear and make clothes of its splendid fur. 爱斯基摩人吃北极熊的肉并用它那华丽的毛皮制成衣服。
- What he said turns out to be the very reverse of the truth. 结果发现他所说的与事实完全相反。