- The books would benefit by further revision. 这本书要是能再修改一下就会更好了。
- She matured her novel by constant revision. 她不断修改自己的小说以使其趋于完善。
- retroactive revision 追溯性订正
- Our budget needs drastic revision. 我们的预算需作重大修改。
- Friday afternoons are left free for revision. 留出星期五下午的时间做复习。
- A revision of that dictionary has been published. 那本词典的修订本已经出版。
- The catalogue is under revision. 目录正在修订之中。
- This will be retroactive agreement. 这些是追溯以往的合约。
- The new law was made retroactive to 1 January. 新法令生效日期可追溯到1 月1 日.
- They get a pay rise retroactive to last January. 他们补发了去年一月起的加薪。
- In order to meet the challenge of WTO, revi... 为迎接WTO的挑战,振兴我国的纺织工业提出政策建议。
- And what does he mean by retroactive? 问:追溯是什么意思呢?
- Retroactive to when they start to work for me. 追溯到从他们开始为我工作的时候吗?
- He matured his novel by constant revision. 他不断修改自己的小说使之臻于完善。
- You need enough revision for the test. 为了考试你需要充分的复习。
- Revision is a fact of life in design. 修改并再修改,这是设计生活中的现实。
- Maybe it is due to my inadequate revision. 可能是由于之前没有充足的复习
- They receive a pay rise retroactive to last January. 他获得从去年1月份开始补发的增加工资。
- Plan for costs of course development and revision. 计划为课程发展和修订的费用。
- The dictionary is under examination and revision. 这部词典正在审订之中。