- Inflation has forced us to retrench. 因通货膨胀我们不得不紧缩开支。
- Let's keep tabs on expenditures. 让们密切注意开支情况
- Expenditures by the Federal Government have been steadily pared. 联邦政府的开支正在逐渐削减。
- As business is bad these days,we have to retrench. 由于最近生意不景气,我们不得不紧缩开支。
- I am planning to retrench my expenses. 我正在打算减少支出。
- It is too late to retrench when all is spent. 钱花光了再讲节约,为时已晚。
- They are prodigal in their expenditures. 他们挥霍无度。
- Explain: for the sake of retrench disk spcae. 说明:为节省磁盘空间、减少记录量,键盘及鼠标动作即开始监视,停止动作一段时间后停止监视。(请注意观看电影等特殊情况)
- Income and expenditures exactly balance. 收支恰好相抵。
- They had to retrench in order to buy a new house. 他们为了买一套新房子不得不节省开支。
- That means they don't need to retrench. 这也意味着他们不需要收缩。
- He checked the expenditures on the books. 他查对账目上的支出情况。
- Kept a close watch on expenditures. 保持对支出的谨慎关注。
- We should axe nonproductive expenditures. 我们应该大力削减非生产性开支。
- I have to adjust my expenditures to my income. 我必须量入而出。
- Nonproductive expenditures keep tapering down. 非生产性开支一直在下降。
- Limit your expenditures to what is necessary. 节缩你的支出在必要?围之内。
- Second, expenditures must be reduced. 二要努力节省开支。
- Our expenditures reach almost $200,000 a year. 我们的支出一年几乎到达了二十万美元。
- Please total all the expenditures. 请计算一下全部支出是多少。