- Islam is resurgent across the Arab world. 而伊斯兰教在整个阿拉伯世界得以复苏。
- The resurgent Med has a lot still to overcome. 但这一地区要想复兴仍然有诸多困难需要克服。
- I see this phrase as a misnomer and prefer the word "resurgent. 但我认为,“崛起”是用词不当,我更加倾向于“复兴”这个词。
- How should it deal with a resurgent and more authoritarian Russia? 如何与一个重新崛起更为集权的俄罗斯打交道?
- This was an extraordinary concession for a proud, resurgent nation. 对一个自尊自大、日益复兴的国家来说,这是相当大的让步。
- Inflation in increasing the possibility of resurgent. 通货膨胀死灰复燃的可能性在与日俱增。
- The pressure behind this shock wave drives an inward-moving shock wave that heats the ejecta, seen as the aqua cloud. 激波后的压力驱使内行激波加热物质,也就是图中浅绿色的云团。
- It would be better to be bolder now and fix the SOEs while the economy is resurgent. 在经济复苏之时当即对国企实施大胆的整顿应当会更合适。
- The expanding ejecta drive an outward-moving shock wave that races ahead of the ejecta into the interstellar gas (bright outer rim). 膨胀的抛出物驱动着外行激波,领先于抛出物冲入星际气体(明亮的外缘)。
- Amid signs of resurgent amphetamine abuse, the PPP unashamedly talks of reviving it. 在滥用安非他明重又死灰复燃的种种迹象中,PPP坦然讨论重启该项调查。
- First came the impact, which sent a rain of molten rock into the air and formed an "ejecta" layer for hundreds of miles around. 首先是冲击,使熔融岩石冲进空中并且在数百英里周围形成一个喷出物的层,然后变成海啸,劳顿说:"海浪冲向熔融岩石并且把它带回到深水"。
- In 1994 Hubble began seeing spots brighten in sequence along the central ring: the supernova ejecta smacking into the ring. 1994年哈伯开始观测到中央环上一连串的亮点,这代表超新星的喷出物霹雳啪啦地撞上了环圈。
- The rally has been driven by powerful foreign liquidity and a resurgent participation in equities by small savers. 外国流动资金投资强劲,散户投资者再度参与股市,推动了此次股市的大涨。
- But it may be too conservative, given that wage growth is not exactly resurgent. 但如果工资没有增长的话,这样的估计可能就太保守了。
- Searches in the data for impurity clues in the water-ice dominated plumes and surface ejecta are progressing. 科学家持续不断的研究这些由水冰主宰的羽状烟柱及表面喷发物,来寻找水存在的可能性。
- Bright ejecta rays such as these are produced as impacts excavate and eject relatively unweathered subsurface material. 这些放射状陨石坑产生于天体撞击溅出的地下物质,绵延在遍布陨石坑的水星表面数百公里。
- The shape of jet、velocity of shock wavefront and ejecta head were obtained through shadow images. 通过获取的阴影图像观察到了带有特定形状缺陷(矩形槽、盲孔)锡自由表面的微喷射演变过程,给出了微射流的形状,冲击波阵面以及喷射物头部的运动速度等物理信息。
- A small impact crater, surrounded by ejecta, is filled in with rippled sand on the floor of Ritchey Crater. 一个小陨石坑中,喷出物包围,充满沙子与皱对里奇陨石坑发言。
- A small crater partially buried in wind-blown ejecta from a much larger crater (below, out of frame). 一个小陨石坑部分埋在风力吹从一个更大的火山口(以下,出帧)喷出物。
- The first round was “man to man” match, the 5 resurgent girls had the right to choose the opponent. 第一轮的比赛是捉对厮杀,自由选择对手的权利交给了5位复活选手.