- The rheological behavior of the gelled crude oil affects directly the restart of the pipeline system after shutdown,which plays a very important role in the safety of the pipeline. 为了研究胶凝原油的启动屈服过程,确定胶凝原油的黏弹性流变模型至关重要。
- Refill the pump and restart after the problem is corrected. 问题整改后,重新加料并重启。
- Computer requires to restart after applying hotfix or update. 计算机是否需要重新启动后,运用修复程序或更新。
- After shutdown, the Listener stops handling inbound messages and stops synchronizing device tracking information. 关机后,监听器停止处理入站消息并停止同步设备跟踪信息。
- Automatically restarts after diagnostics collection stops due to a scheduled shutdown. 在诊断信息收集工作因预定关闭而停止后
- Run in continuous mode to automatically restart after taking a diagnostic data snapshot at 03:00:00. 以连续模式运行,在03:00:00执行诊断数据快照后自动重新启动。
- Run in continuous mode to automatically restart after diagnostic data collecting occurs between 03:00:00 and 05:00:00. 以连续模式运行,在03:00:00和05:00:00之间收集诊断数据后自动重新启动。
- Status and data memory. Re-switch on may restore original status after shutdown or power failure. Zero adjustment is not necessary for measurement. 状态和数据记忆。关机或断电,重新打开可恢复原状态。测量免调零。
- Specifies the maximum number of requests that are queued while waiting for the worker process to restart after a nonstandard termination. 指定在出现非标准终止后,等待辅助进程重新启动时排入队列的请求的最大数目。
- If your PC supports APM (Advanced Power Management) or ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) you can choose to power off your computer after shutdown. 如果您的电脑支持的APM (高级电源管理)或ACPI (高级配置和电源接口) ,您可以选择电源关闭您的计算机在关机后重新开机。
- To avoid a computer restart after Setup finishes, close all open copies of Reporting Services Books Online before installing the update. 为了避免计算机在安装完成后重新启动,请在安装更新版之前,先关闭所有已打开的Reporting Services联机丛书副本。
- During the period of preheating commissioning and start-up after shutdown of a heated oil pipeline, temperature field monitoring of the soil around the buried pipeline is performed usually. 在热油管道预热投产和停输再启动过程中,为了保证管道安全生产,常常需要对管道周围土壤温度场进行监测。
- Generally desanding of large tank adopts manual desanding that requires personnel to enter the tank after shutdown,with high work burden,severe environment ,long shutdown time and low efficienc... 介绍了一种利用自由、淹没射流原理清砂的新方法,在罐底部布设带有冲砂孔的管网,以罐区附近消防水作为冲砂动力源,实现了不进罐清砂自动化。
- The mobile was restarted after sending 10 pieces of SMS. 发送10条消息后,手机自动重起;
- boiler conservation after shutdown 停炉保护
- When the server restarts, Domino checks to see if it is restarting after a crash. 当服务器重启时,Domino检查它是否是崩溃后重启。
- Don't worry if your phone automatically restarts after changing options in the app that's normal! 不要担心,如果你的手机会自动重新启动后,改变选择,在应用程序的正常!
- She was a bit queer after her husband deserted her. 她遭丈夫遗弃後精神有点失常。
- Rose bushes shoot again after being cut back. 玫瑰丛修剪後还能再长出新枝。
- A restart or shutdown to change the operating system configuration. 为更改操作系统配置而重新启动或关机。