- very quickly indeed 是副词短语。 'Very quickly indeed' is an adverbial phrase.
- resolve_conflict以下脚本通过将旧行和新行之间的差加到统一数据库的数量值中来解决冲突 Resolve_conflict The following script resolves the conflict by adding the difference between new and old rows to the quantity value in the consolidated database
- 我们在形容词“quick”后加“ly”构成副词“quickly”。 We add the suffix "ly" to make the adjective "quick" into the adverb " quickly".
- 分裂不定式(在to 与动词之间插入副词,如to quickly read a book) split an infinitive(in speaking or writing)place an adverb between to and the infinitive(as in to quickly read a book')
- 在 speak kindly、incredibly deep、just in time 和 too quickly 四个短语中,kindly、incredibly、just 和 too 都是副词。 In 'speak kindly', 'incredibly deep', 'just in time' and 'too quickly', 'kindly', 'incredibly', 'just' and 'too' are all adverbs.
- 在speak kindly﹑ incredibly deep﹑ just in time﹑ too quickly中, kindly﹑ incredibly﹑ just﹑ too都是副词. In 'speak kindly', 'incredibly deep', 'just in time' and 'too quickly', 'kindly', 'incredibly', 'just' and 'too' are all adverbs.