- residual nitrate nitrogen 硝态氮残留量
- The increase amount of residual nitrate N from third harvesting to fifth harvesting was 51.6% of the total amount of applied nitrogen during this period. 从第三季作物收获到第五季作物收获,残留硝态氮的增加量占这一时期氮肥施用量的比例高达51.;6%25。
- Ye Y L,Li L,Sun J H,Zhang F S.Effect of root separation on pl ant nitrogen uptake and soil nitrate nitrogen residual in faba bean/maize intercropping[J].J.Soi1 Water Conserv.,2005,19(3):13-17. [19]叶优良;李隆;孙建好;张福锁.;地下部分隔对蚕豆/玉米间作氮素吸收和土壤硝态氮残留影响[J]
- Some commercial laboratories use periodic nitrate nitrogen tests as guides. 许多商业性的试验室已应用定期的硝态氮分析作为指导。
- In many plants, including most tree crops, nitrate nitrogen does not usually occur in the leaves. 在一些植物中,包括绝大多数的木本作物,硝态氮并非经常存在于叶片中。
- Nitrate nitrogen removal from ground water by autotrophic denitrification in a packed bed reactor. 固定床自养反硝化去除地下水中的硝酸盐氮。
- We got the relative compound standard indeterminacy of nitrate nitrogen content in water,8. 采用酚二磺酸分光光度法对水中硝酸盐氮进行不确定度评定。
- Rhoads F M.A comparison of ammonium and nitrate nitrogen for cigar wrapper tobacco[J],Agron.J. 李智勇;刘思英;丁一;等.;氮肥种类和形态对烤烟生育及产质的影响[J]
- The same result was observed under hydroponic condition with nitrate nitrogen in which glutamate or serine was added. 水培条件下,以铵态氮或尿素等作唯一氮源时,荞麦中草酸含量远低于以硝态氮培养的;
- Blanched gourd did not show such a pattern.Low temperature storage appeared to be favorable for the control of nitrate nitrogen in veg... 低温处理有利于控制蔬菜中硝态氮的含量,但对可溶性总糖含量的影响却较小。
- In order to establish an easy,rapid and practical method of determination of nitrate nitrogen in quality controlled water,thymol was applied. 用麝香草酚法测定水中硝酸盐氮,并与标准方法酚二磺酸法进行对照,所测结果经统计学处理,两种方法无显著性差异,精密度、准确度等各项指标符合分析标准。
- The results indicated that adding DCD significantly increased ammonium content and decreased nitrate nitrogen content at the same time. 结果表明,添加DCD明显提高了相应处理的铵态氮含量,降低了硝态氮含量。
- Pot and water culture experiments were conducted to study the regulation effects of nitrate nitrogen on chromium toxicity to Brassica campestris L. 通过盆栽和水培试验,探讨了硝态氮对小白菜铬污染毒性的调控作用。
- Near infrared reflectance spectroscopy is being available for testing total nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen and moisture with high precision. 因此,可以用比重计法、电导仪法以及近红外光谱法快速预测畜禽粪便中的肥料成分含量。
- The measurement of nitrate nitrogen and nitrite nitrogen in seawater has such disadvantages as many disturbing components,long time,poor repeatability and accuracy. 水体中尤其是海水中硝酸盐氮的测定较繁琐,干扰物质多,分析时间长,重现性差,准确性不高。
- A large amount of nitrogen that is not absorbed by crops enters as nitrate nitrogen into soils of the aeration zone after nitrification by microbial processes. 大量的氮素没有被农作物吸收,经微生物硝化作用后,以硝态氮的形式进入包气带土体,使包气带土体普遍受到氮素不同程度的污染。
- Oxalate content in leaves of buckwheat seedlings cultured under hydroponic condition with ammonium nitrogen or urea as the only nitrogen source was much lower than that with nitrate nitrogen. 而乙醇酸与乙醛酸则显著提高其草酸含量,表明荞麦叶片草酸合成主要来自乙醇酸途径,而非来自抗坏血酸等途径。
- This paper reports the effect of DCD in seedling stage to soil microorganism of bacteria,mold and actinomycetes,and the concentration changes of both ammonium nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen in soil. 实验研究了双氰胺在玉米苗期对土壤微生物细菌、霉菌和放线菌的影响,及对土壤中铵态氮和硝态氮贮量变化的影响。
- In the each stage of the cotton growth remnant of soil nitrate nitrogen was higher, but loss of apparent budget of soil nitrate was higher only in the seedling stage and the beginning of bell stage. 棉花生长发育的各个时期土壤硝态氮的残留都很高,但仅在苗期、初铃期表观损失较高。
- In the end the ammonium nitrogen content of the treatment with AOL or DCD was towered above the one without those nitrification inhibitors, and the nitrate nitrogen content of the former was less than the latter. 在相同条件下,分别加AOL和DCD处理的铵态氮质量分数都要比未加硝化抑制剂处理的高; 相应地,在开始阶段硝态氮质量分数也要比未加硝化抑制剂处理的低。